2016-2017 Robot
Tags: mechanical and innovatePersonhours: 28
Task: To build the robot for the 2016-2017 season
As much as we love our robot from last season, Geb, we need a robot that is better able to fit the season's challenges. Our needs for this year are:
- Manuverable and fast
- Able to play defensively
- Can support attachments such as an intake system

Finally, our robot must support attachments. Currently, we are considering a launcher, and intake system, a circulation system, and a yoga ball-lifter. And, to accommodate all of these attachments, our basic frame is a re-enforced square frame.
However, we are still experiencing problems, such as our chain falling off due to the supports moving toward each other. As well, we probably need to find a better place to put our motor controller and battery.
We need to get our robot effectively finished within the next month if we are to go to the Arkansas tournament. As well, we need to add supports to our robot to stop the chain issue. Within the next two weeks, we should have made one or two attachments.
Date | October 15, 2016