Iron Reign has worked a total of 19207.0 personhours

  • Aarav is in 102 posts and has worked for 540 hours
  • Georgia is in 79 posts and has worked for 429 hours
  • Anuhya is in 119 posts and has worked for 603 hours
  • Jai is in 75 posts and has worked for 417 hours
  • Krish is in 61 posts and has worked for 320 hours
  • Sol is in 65 posts and has worked for 314 hours
  • Tanvi is in 48 posts and has worked for 261 hours
  • Fernando is in 43 posts and has worked for 178 hours
  • Elias is in 15 posts and has worked for 125 hours
  • Nalin is in 32 posts and has worked for 100 hours
  • Ren is in 31 posts and has worked for 101 hours


  • Omar is in 108 posts and has worked for 446 hours
  • Jayesh is in 124 posts and has worked for 496 hours
  • Lin is in 95 posts and has worked for 410 hours
  • Darshan is in 89 posts and has worked for 359 hours
  • Max is in 116 posts and has worked for 623 hours
  • Tycho is in 197 posts and has worked for 807 hours
  • Austin is in 92 posts and has worked for 448 hours
  • Kenna is in 89 posts and has worked for 366 hours
  • Ethan is in 266 posts and has worked for 947 hours
  • Evan is in 220 posts and has worked for 914 hours
  • Janavi is in 146 posts and has worked for 710 hours
  • Charlotte is in 128 posts and has worked for 598 hours
  • Abhi is in 183 posts and has worked for 833 hours
  • Arjun is in 70 posts and has worked for 335 hours
  • Karina is in 147 posts and has worked for 612 hours
  • Justin is in 105 posts and has worked for 554 hours
  • Bhanaviya is in 153 posts and has worked for 674 hours
  • Ben B is in 86 posts and has worked for 445 hours
  • Jose is in 127 posts and has worked for 618 hours
  • Cooper is in 96 posts and has worked for 517 hours
  • Aaron is in 67 posts and has worked for 345 hours
  • Paul is in 53 posts and has worked for 288 hours
  • Anisha is in 17 posts and has worked for 85 hours
  • Mahesh is in 46 posts and has worked for 226 hours
  • Shawn is in 25 posts and has worked for 109 hours
  • Trey is in 112 posts and has worked for 606 hours
  • Gabriel is in 59 posts and has worked for 373 hours
  • Leo is in 48 posts and has worked for 340 hours
  • Vance is in 59 posts and has worked for 361 hours
  • Alex is in 44 posts and has worked for 264 hours