Meeting Log

Tags: organization
Personhours: 1
Meeting Log November 06, 2016 By Max, Tycho, Jayesh, Darshan, Ethan, Evan, and Janavi

Meeting Log November 06, 2016

We've been blogging/journalling at the sub-team level, which allows us to share our work at a deeper level on specific subjects. This ends up creating a need to have many posts in a single practice. That's great for our journal, but we also end up failing to document some of our sub-team work because we can't find enough time to write up every break-out project. We are also regularly missing out on documenting a lot of our organizational work, like the planning session at the beginning of practice and the list of tasks we assign ourselves. So from now on we will be adding a practice log for each meeting - starting it as an open template on our main shared computer and just asking team members to log their start-stop times there. Publish right at the end of practice. This is meant to be a light-weight log - it doesn't need great writing. Members, add your time to person-hours in this post only for planning time plus any time you worked that will not be captured in a detail post. This will be the first such post.

Today's Meet Objectives

Organization / Documentation / Competition Prep

  • Review Journal - not started
  • Review Robot Status - completed


  • Fix pose class - import from last year is incomplete and broke code - completed
  • Calibrate forward and crabbing motions of the robot - not started
  • Turn current teleop mecanum mixing into a method that can be used across teleop and autonomous - completed
  • Begin Autonomous motion sequences - not started

Build / Modelling

  • Add outside collectors to collector system - minor progress
  • Begin modelling the full robot assembly - not started

Service / Outreach

  • Blog about SEM open house - TBD, delegated for homework

Today's Work Log

Team MembersTaskStart TimeDuration
AllPlanning Meeting2:10pm.25
TychoFix pose class2:30pm1
MaxCleanup and mount catapult bowl4:001
Tycho, JanaviMecanum mixing method3:45.5
Tycho, JanaviMethod to prevent repeated inputs3:30.25
Ethan,EvanUnboxing video Textix gift3:30.5
Darshan, Ethan, MaxCatapult Base2:451.25
EvanDesign sizing box5:001
Max, JayeshTeach Jayesh Creo basics3:00.5
Date | November 6, 2016