Backups and Shields

Tags: Mechanical
Personhours: 6
Backups and Shields By Lin, Omar, Max, and Tycho

Task: Build a backup flywheel track and remount side shields

Previously, our side shields were zip-tied through 4 bolt holes on tetrix pieces per side, and we had taken one off to reach our drive system. When putting it back on to fine tune autonomous we took the time to cut out space for a wrench and bolt it on. The holes were already the correct size, we just had to line them up with the mounting position.

Omar spent a good amount of time inspecting our current track in order to replicate it accurately. Unfortunately, it took him a few tries to get it. We want to have a second copy available in competition if we get hit around too hard or something snaps. One weakness of our previous catapult design was that the bowl broke in a way we couldn't repair, andwe don't want to be in that situation again.


While It was easy to mount one side of a shield, the other proved to be difficult. The pre-existing drill holes almost lined up, zip ties had enough give, but the bolts definitely didn't. We had to widen the area but it's much more secure now. When we got it to workon the left shield, we clipped the ties holding the right side up and did the same thing

Date | February 21, 2017