To Do List
Tags: Business and OrganizationPersonhours: 1
Task: Update our To Do List

- CDIM #2 on right side
- color and distance sensors on right side -done
- ultrasonic sensors
- can we get rid of distance sensors?-done
- omnidirectional travel sensor based on trackball- not high priority
- omnidirectional travel sensor based on I2c mouse- not high priority
- simplify beacon detection
- second beacon
- compute distance before slowing down
- alt config to bypass a non-working beacon if it's the first
- pointed at gap between beacons, drive until touching, square with imu, check / adjust distance with ultrasonic
Authonomous with Vision
- More team members than Tycho study Fixit3491 videos 4 thru 7
- Integrate OpenCV 3.2 back into app-done
- Integrate Vuforia sample -done
- Get image from Vuforia into OpenCV -done
- Camera mount tweaking to get best vision line
- test + upgrade to faster phones for better video processing - done
- Does wide angle work with Vuforia configuration
- Real Vuforia based auto navigation
- OpenCV beacon analysis from Vuforia beacon localization
Particle Launcher / Flywheel + Rail Type
- New grippy custom printed flywheel design
- complete
- Custom flywheel printed and assembled
- done
- 3 versions
- nylon, open ninjaflex, dense ninjaflex
- Rail design - done
- Rail print - done
- High speed motors - aquired
- Frame and mount rails, flywheel and motor - done
- Particle Release Gate and Servo mounting- done
- Presentation narrative and blog updates - done
Cap Ball Fork Lift
- Replace lift spool with double lift+retract spool made from Tetrix track guide wheels- done
- Add slides for fork support- done
- Add pulleys for retract spool- done
- Add deployment servo
- Fabricate folding fork
- Figure out fork release by hyperextension- done
- Can we retract cleanly? -done
- Can we refold? CR servo reeling in a refold line might do the trick.
- Code to support these capabilities
Journal / Blog Improvements -
- lift and improving it
- making the new side guards
- assembling the canopy
- robot reveal
Awards Guidance Sheets
- control award
- fire beats cd
Presentation - ADD STUFF HERE
- pratice it!!!
- increase info- mabye???
- add charlotte and austin to the presentation
Robot Reveal Video V1 - Shot List
- Intro Sequence - half second shots of robot driving into frame from overhead, right side, front d
- Mecanum Freedom - high overhead shot of robot going forward, strafing, diagonal, turning d
- Particle Collector - close up short shots of collector running from side and from front d
- Particle Collector - Pulling in a particle - muliple angles (can one of these be done with a dolly shot of moving particle?) d
- Particle POV - camera on mat - robot strafes into view, engages collector and drives over camera until camera is at accumulator lift d
- Particle Collector - shot from under the robot sitting on polycarb, camera under the polycarb at the rear of the robot lookup up, seeing a particle pulled in, guided by funnel and loaded into accumulator
- Particle Collector - Automatic Opposing Alliance Particle Rejection
- Particle Collector - Machine Vision Based Automatic Tracking and Collecting Behavior
- Particle POV - running up accumulator lift - not sure if this is possible without animation
- Shooting - with flywheel - wide shot of 4 balls coming out
- Shooting - close up of Particle Release Gate d
- Shooting - close up of Particles cycling through Launcher while off of robot
- Shooting - close up of Particles landing in the vortex or on an accuracy marker
- Cap Ball Lift Deployment
- Cap Ball Lift Capture
- Cap Ball Lift Raising
- Cap Ball Lift Depositing
- Cap Ball Lift Retracting
- IMU Close up + 90 degree turn + station keeping behavior(on black turntable; make shot from above)
- Navigation - Calibrated Odometry in both normal drive and strafing
- Combined high accuracy Heading and Odometry with Trig = absolute field position (close up of telemetry, plus overhead view of a navigation sequence)
- Autonomous - high speed of entire sequence - replace with machine vision version when available
- Autonomous - machine vision localization of beacon targets - phone camera capture
- Autonomous - beacon isolation and analysis - phone camera capture
Connect Reveal Video - Shot List
- MXP Crane Shot Opening Sequence - what if? theme
- MXP Walk through - adjusted BT script
- MXP construction effort
- MXP outreach event visual scrap book
Connect Reveal Video - Team
Date | March 10, 2017