Grabber Code
Tags: software. controlPersonhours: 4
Task: Create a seperate class for the grabbers on the robot
Today, we created a new PickAndPlace class to isolate the code that controls the current gripper and lift system. I also added new methods to send the lift to max, min and stacking heights with manual override. It now prevents over extension or over unwinding by setting max and minumum heights. It also eliminates the problem of having to push the lift all the way down after lifting.
The code below describes the functionality of the robot. The class names should be self-explanatory as to what they do.
+package org.firstinspires.ftc.teamcode; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.DcMotor; import com.qualcomm.robotcore.hardware.Servo; /** * Created by tycho on 10/15/2017. */ public class PickAndPlace { DcMotor motorLift = null; Servo servoGrip = null; private int liftMax = 4000; private int liftStack = 2500; //stacking height private int liftMin = 50; private int liftPlanck = 450; //smallest distance to increment lift by when using runToPosition boolean gripOpen = false; int gripOpenPos = 900; int gripClosedPos = 2110; public PickAndPlace(DcMotor motorLift, Servo servoGrip){ this.motorLift = motorLift; this.servoGrip = servoGrip; } public void ToggleGrip (){ if (gripOpen) { gripOpen = false; servoGrip.setPosition(ServoNormalize(gripClosedPos)); } else { gripOpen = true; servoGrip.setPosition(ServoNormalize(gripOpenPos)); } } public void stopLift(){ motorLift.setPower(0); } public void raiseLift(){ if(motorLift.getCurrentPosition() < liftMax) motorLift.setPower(.5); else motorLift.setPower(0); } public void lowerLift(){ if(motorLift.getCurrentPosition() > liftMin) motorLift.setPower(-.5); else motorLift.setPower(0); } public void raiseLift2(){ if (motorLift.getCurrentPosition() < liftMax && motorLift.getTargetPosition() < liftMax) { motorLift.setTargetPosition((int) Math.min(motorLift.getCurrentPosition()+ liftPlanck, liftMax)); motorLift.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); motorLift.setPower(1); } } public void lowerLift2() { if (motorLift.getCurrentPosition() > liftMin && motorLift.getTargetPosition() > liftMin) { motorLift.setTargetPosition((int) Math.max(motorLift.getCurrentPosition() - liftPlanck, liftMin)); motorLift.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); motorLift.setPower(.8); } } public void goLiftMax() { motorLift.setTargetPosition(liftMax); motorLift.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); motorLift.setPower(1); } public void goLiftMin() { motorLift.setTargetPosition(liftMin); motorLift.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); motorLift.setPower(1); } public void goLiftStack() { motorLift.setTargetPosition(liftStack); motorLift.setMode(DcMotor.RunMode.RUN_TO_POSITION); motorLift.setPower(1); } public int getMotorLiftPosition(){ return motorLift.getCurrentPosition(); } public static double ServoNormalize(int pulse){ double normalized = (double)pulse; return (normalized - 750.0) / 1500.0; //convert mr servo controller pulse width to double on _0 - 1 scale } }
Date | October 16, 2017