CNN Training Program

Tags: control, think, and vision
Personhours: 6
CNN Training Program By Arjun and Abhi

Task: Designing a program to label training data for our Convolutional Neural Network

In order to use the captured training data, we need to label it by identifying the location of the gold mineral in it. We also need to normalize it by resizing the training images to a constant size, (320x240 pixels). While we could do this by hand, it would be a pain to do so. We would have to resize each individual picture, and then identify the coordinates of the center of the gold mineral, then create a file to store the resized image and coordinates.

Instead of doing this, we decided to write a program to do this for us. That way, we could just click on the gold mineral on the screen, and the program would do the resizing and coordinate-finding for us. Thus, the process of labeling the images will be much easier.

Throughout the weekend, I worked on this program. The end result is shown above.

Next Steps

Now that the program has been developed, we need to actually use it to label the training images we have. Then, we can train the Convolutional Neural Network.

Date | September 29, 2018