Meeting Log

Tags: organization and think
Personhours: 40
Meeting Log November 17, 2018 By Charlotte, Karina, Kenna, Janavi, Evan, Justin, Ethan, Arjun, Bhanaviya, and Abhi

Meeting Log November 17, 2018

Evan working on the robot!

Today's Meet Objectives

We are going to discuss multiple facets of our team (presentation, engineering journal, organization, etc) with alumni Jayesh and Lin. What we hope to gain out of our conversation is an outside perspective. In addition to this conversation we wish to continue in our reflection of the tournament last weekend and preparation for our next tournament.

Today's Meet Log

  • Organization
  • Karina and Janavi spent a large portion of practice organizing all of our parts and tools. They organized our drawers, carts, and tent. Organization has historically been a weak spot for Iron Reign, so this year we really want to crack down on that problem, as discussed in (T-13, Organization!).
  • Superman arm and wire organization
  • Evan, Kenna, Janavi, and Karina were all making improvements on our robot, notably working on problems we found at the tournament last week. These problems mostly dealt with wire organization and our superman arm. Analysis on why the superman arm broke can be found at (E-63, Code Issues Break the Superman Arm). More about how we fixed these issues can be found at (E-65, Arm Repairs).
  • Blogging mentoring
  • Also, Bhanaviya is learning to make blog posts. We showed her our blog post guides and answered any questions she had. Expect to hear from her soon.
  • Alumni Meeting and Feedback
  • The main focus of today's meeting was speaking to our alumni Jayesh and Lin who are both in their sophomore of college. They were both founding members of Iron Reign, they were in their senior year the first time we went to supers. More details on this meeting and our post-mortem can be found at (T-27, Conrad Qualifier Post Mortem - Short Term).
  • Presentation feedback
  • First we discussed our presentation lacked energy and enthusiasm, which is a common problem in our presentations. We have great enthusiasm for our work and progress, but we have trouble expressing it on early morning competition days. This could also be improved by lots and lots of practice, so we don't ever have to focus on our memorization, rather focusing on the expression of our passion for robotics.
  • Engineering journal feedback
  • Also, they provided insight on our engineering journal, which they said needs more cohesiveness between posts. This takes the form of adding links to older blog posts that reference future ones after we have written them.
  • Mentorship feedback
  • Finally, we discussed the new teams we have started, Iron Core and Iron Star, and asked for their advice on how to approach mentoring the new recruits. They told us that rather than waiting for them to seek us out, we need to seek them out, as many of the recruits don't have the confidence to approach us, since many of our team members are upperclassmen. We want to let them know that Iron Reign is here to help them in any way possible and to make our workspace one of collaboration and the transfer of ideas through the teams and grade levels.

Today's Member Work Log

Team MembersTaskStart TimeDuration
KarinaOrganization and Build2:004 hrs
AbhiConversation2:004 hrs
EvanRobot build2:004 hrs
CharlotteBlog and organization2:004 hrs
EthanWorking on blog2:004 hrs
KennaRobot build2:004 hrs
Justin3D Modeling2:004 hrs
JanaviOrganization and build2:004 hrs
BhanaviyaLearning to Blog2:004 hrs
Date | November 17, 2018