Cart Hack

Tags: Control, Think, and Software
Personhours: 4
Cart Hack By Arjun

Task: Tweaking ftc_app to allow us to drive robots without a Driver Station phone

As you already know, Iron Reign has a mechanized cart called Cartbot that we bring to competitions. We used the FTC control system to build it, so we could gain experience. However, this has one issue: we can only use one pair of Robot Controller and Driver Station phones at a competition, because of WiFi interference problems.

To avoid this pitfall, we decided to tweak the ftc_app our team uses to allow us to plug in a controller directly into the Robot Controller. This cuts out the need for a Driver Station phone, which means that we can drive around Cartbot without worrying about breaking any rules.

Another use for this tweak could be for testing, since with this new system we don't need a Driver Station when we are testing our tele-op.

As of now this modification lives in a separate branch of our code, since we don't know how it may affect our match code. We hope to merge this later once we confirm it doesn't cause any issues.

Date | February 20, 2019