Issues with Driving

Tags: think and design
Personhours: 22
Issues with Driving By Cooper, Jose, BenB, Bhanaviya, Karina, and Justin

Task: Widen Superman's wheels and plan the new robot

Since we just qualified, we have a lot to do. On the list for tonight, between the 6 of us, we have:

  • Teaching Cooper how to write a blog post
  • Work on the model of the new robot
  • Widen the superman wheel
  • Start the bill of materials'
  • Ben and Karina worked on widening the Superman wheels by adding 2 omniwheels on either side of a newly cut shaft. This will help stabilize the robot when moving into the extended position, along with preventing falls in the future. We hope this will make it easier to drive the robot and make it more reliable. As well, we began to make the Bill of Materials for the new robot.

    Bhanaviya trained Cooper how to write and upload a blog post. Justin worked on the model for the new robot.

    Next Steps

    Next, we will work building the worlds robot.

    Date | March 8, 2019