Last Coding Session of the Decade

Tags: think and control
Personhours: 10
Last Coding Session of the Decade By Cooper

Task: Gripper swivel, extendToTowerHeight, and retractFromTowerHeight. Oh My!

Today is the second to last day of 2019, and therefore the same of the decade. Thus, I want to spend it at robotics. Today I worked solely on vision testing and attempt of implementation. However they ended up being fruitless, but let me not get ahead of myself. To start the day, I tried looking at the example vuforia code that was provided. After which I hooked up a camera to the control hub to try any see it in action. We learned that in the telemetry, there are 2 lines of values spit out, which are the local position in mm and the XYZ values of the block. For the first bit of the day when we were testing, we thought to use the XYZ values, but they seemed to be unreliable, so we switched over to the local position. Once we had gotten that down and gotten a map of values of where the skystone would be, I tried to tailor the concept class to be directly used in our pipeline from last year, and then refactor all of it. But this didn’t work, as it would always throw an error and for the life of me I could not get it to work.

Today wasn’t a complete waste, however, as I have learned a valuable lesson -- don’t be lazy. I was lazy when I just tried to use the example code provided, and it’s what ultimately led to the failure.

Next Steps

Take another stab at this, but actually learn the associated methods in the example code, and make my own class, so it will actually function.

Date | December 30, 2019