Meeting with the Stanford Salisburg Lab

Tags: journal and connect
Personhours: 4
Meeting with the Stanford Salisburg Lab By Aarav and Nalin

Task: Meet with the Salisbury Robotics Lab and discuss their work

Today, Iron Reign met with four members of the Salisbury Robotics Lab at Stanford University. During this meeting, we discussed project ideation and making the design process more efficient. One piece of advice we received was to split the design process into three parts: synthesis, analysis, and judgment. The synthesis portion is creating the model/design after initial ideation. The analysis portion is theoretically testing the design’s ability. The judgment portion is deliberating what needs to be changed in the design. In addition, they answered design questions we had from this season. Lastly, the members of the lab discussed their work in bio-robotics and remote surgery! Many of our team members are interested in biomedical engineering as a future career path, so this was a great opportunity to learn about the work being done in that field. We thank these mentors for taking the time to work with us!

Date | February 9, 2024