Axon Broken Count - Infinity
Tags: mechanical, software, and controlPersonhours: 5
In Iron Reign's history, we've had many mishaps with our parts breaking, and the most notorious (and one of the most expensive) examples we've had are the numerous Axons we've broken. Krish, our main driver and one of our builders, holds the record with 5 (now 6!) broken servos, but today it was caught in 4K!
This was both a drive and code issue. The problem happened when Krish tried to drive forward while the intake articulation was running and the Sampler was already on the ground. This wasn't a problem the code team had foreseen because they haven't had ample time to actually test with the new version of the Sampler on the robot and because we're terrible at having the robot in testing condition.
However, due to the insane amount of times we've broken servos, we've gotten very proficient at switching out servos in short periods of time (occasionally in between matches at tournaments) and we managed to get a successful test of the Sampler within the next 45 minutes!
Next Steps:
A software safety change we could potentially implement is raising the Sampler to a safe height before slide extension, or we could be more conscious about giving our code team actual time with the robot!
Also, we need to focus on budgeting and finding new sponsors as Axons are *so* expensive and we're in severe need of more funds as we continue to break parts and make mistakes.