Power Problems... and More

Tags: journal
Personhours: 20
Power Problems... and More By Anuhya, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, and Fernando

Task: Analyze our current power challenges

Power Issues:

Today, we experienced some significant power challenges. When we attempted to fix the cables, some of the crimps did not work, so we had to redo them. Additionally, we realized that the elbow was drawing a lot of power to maintain its position.

We realized that all the rails for the servo ports (EH and CH) were dead, and all the power came from the power injector and the signal from the ports. Even though we were only trying to power one arm with two servos, we could not push enough power through the RJ45s or the bits that connected the wires to the servos.


On the topic of servos, the superspeed servo stopped working under the code. We were able to confirm that the wiring was not the issue as the servo worked with the servo tester directly and through the wiring so we know that it is a code issue. However, we are not exactly sure what the issue is since a different servo worked under the code. As a result, we had to take a servo out of the speciminer, stopping it from running for the time being.


As per the speciminer, when its elbow attempts to move, it starts to jitter and the color sensor starts to phase in and out. Lastly, when we attempted to switch out the belt for the sampler arm, the belt was too loose and kept despooling.

  • All the rails for the servo ports are dead, both EH and CH: all the power is coming off the power injector and the signal is coming from ports
  • While trying to fix the cables, some of the crimps didn’t work so had to be redone
  • Power wise, can’t push enough through the rj45s or the bits that are connecting the wires to the servos (could be both) and they’re only trying to power one arm with two servos
  • Elbow is drawing a lot of power to maintain its position
  • Superspeed servo stopped working under code: definitely not the wiring, it’s working with the servo tester both directly to the servo and through the jumble of wiring but not working when its running on code - running a different servo through code works but we have no clue what’s going on with the og servo (had to take a servo off speciminer so now it literally cannot run)
  • Whenever speciminer elbow tries to move, it starts jittering and color sensor starts to phase in and out
  • At one point, when we tried to swap out the belt for the sampler arm, the belt was too loose and kept despooling
Date | January 25, 2025