New Drive Goals and Strategies

Tags: journal
Personhours: 3
New Drive Goals and Strategies By Anuhya, Krish, and Tanvi

Task: Analyze and Plan new Drive Goals and Strategies

Currently, due to constant build fixes and code changes being implemented on the robot, the drive team does not have strong experience with the robot.Therefore, moving forward, we aim to prioritize a strategy to reduce the amount of mistakes made during official matches and to ease communication between drivers, drive coaches and coders.

Firstly, we changed some movement articulations to avoid parts of the robot being exposed when expanded. This prevents any damage to motors, servos, and writing. It also gives the driver more confidence in the robot’s durability, giving the ease of mind to achieve faster cycle times.

We’ve made sure we emphasized intaking from both sides from the submersible to reduce travel distances between cycles. With the (soon-to-be) addition of our second arm, we will also be able to score specimens, granting us control over both high baskets with samples and specimens on the high chamber.

  • when on the right side of sub, we can go for specimens as the observation zone is closest and specimens would provide us more points
  • when on the left side of sub, we can go for samples in the high baskets as the net zone and baskets are closest.
  • we now focus on eliminating needless movements and reducing travel time between areas on the mat, prioritizing whichever game element will maximize points while minimizing travel time and driver error
  • we are still focusing on high “levels” for both the chambers and baskets to maximize scores but we still need to work on making time for practice matches during regular meetings
Date | February 6, 2025