Hoya Meeting

Tags: journal and outreach
Personhours: 8
Hoya Meeting By Aarav, Krish, Anuhya, Jai, Sol, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

Task: Present to Hoya as a mock Presentation

Today we met with Hoya to practice our presentation for our upcoming tournament at regionals. We went through our presentation, but we went over the 5 minute limit by 40 seconds, so we will work on our delivery and try to find solutions for this issue.

Hoya gave good advice and intriguing questions. He advised us to speak slower and give more information on our innovations and technical slides. He also stated we need to try and match our modulations and timbre between people. A key weakness is us not rehearsing more as we had many technical issues that could have easily been fixed by being prepared.

During the Q&A section, he told us we need to give a brief and direct answer before our examples. We typically give examples first causing it to seem wordy and unclear. He also stated many questions focused on competition readiness, so we should dedicate a slide in our presentation. Another suggestion was to include slides after our presentation to go along with the most common questions asked to be more prepared to answer.

Overall, this meeting helped us prepare for our tournament next week and make any last minute changes to our presentation. To prepare further we will continue to work on our presentation and do dress rehearsal.

Date | February 15, 2025