Articles by tag: journal

Articles by tag: journal

    New Drive Goals and Strategies

    New Drive Goals and Strategies By Anuhya, Krish, and Tanvi

    Task: Analyze and Plan new Drive Goals and Strategies

    Currently, due to constant build fixes and code changes being implemented on the robot, the drive team does not have strong experience with the robot.Therefore, moving forward, we aim to prioritize a strategy to reduce the amount of mistakes made during official matches and to ease communication between drivers, drive coaches and coders.

    Firstly, we changed some movement articulations to...

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    To-Do List in preparation for Regionals

    To-Do List in preparation for Regionals By Anuhya and Ren

    Task: Conduct a To-Do List for Regionals

    After winning Inspire 2 at the U League Tournament and advancing to regionals, our CAD and Build Team put together a to-do list for the next 3 weeks. We hope this to-do list will keep us on task, and ensure we keep our goal in mind, making sure we are ready for regionals.

    To-Do List

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    Analyzing the Issues of Swerve Chassis

    Analyzing the Issues of Swerve Chassis By Anuhya and Ren

    Task: Analyze the future and current issues of continuing with a swerve chassis

    After our analysis of the U League Tournament, our CAD and Build teams went further in detail of problems we have or will have in the future with swerve chassis.

    • We currently have no idea how the swerve chassis will work and are replacing our proven, with lots of experience mecanum drive...
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    U League Tournament SWOT Analysis

    U League Tournament SWOT Analysis By Anuhya, Aarav, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

    Task: Conduct a SWOT Analysis on our Day at U League Tournament

    Today, we conducted a SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) dissection of the robot and the team as a whole of our playthrough at the U league Tournament. These analyses allow us to learn what we did well and ensure we continue doing those habits. It shows us where and how we need to...

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    U League Tournament Review

    U League Tournament Review By Anuhya, Aarav, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

    Task: Conduct an Analysis on our Day at U League Tournament

    Today we conducted an in-depth analysis of our performance at the U League Tournament on February 2nd. We discussed how presentations and interviews went, how coordinated our team was.

    Logic and Preparation

    The day started off shaky due to us not being 100% ready...

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    U League Tournament

    U League Tournament By Anuhya, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Aarav, Fernando, Ren, and Nalin

    Task: Analyze our performance at the U League Tournament

    Today we had our U League Tournament. Overall, we won the majority of our matches at 4 out of 6, and became an alliance captain during the playoff matches. While we lost both of our playoff matches, we still made it to 8th place. During awards we won Inspire 2, and have qualified...

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    Hoya Meeting 2025/01/28

    Hoya Meeting 2025/01/28 By Aarav, Krish, Anuhya, Jai, Sol, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

    Task: Present to Director of Research and Development from HOYA

    Today we had a meeting with the Director of Research and Development at HOYA. We discussed our robot’s design and updated him on this season’s challenge. Specifically, we spoke about our past versions for Sample and Speciminer, our current design, and our future robot. We finalized our presentation with a detailed report on...

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    Power Problems... and More

    Power Problems... and More By Anuhya, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, and Fernando

    Task: Analyze our current power challenges

    Power Issues:

    Today, we experienced some significant power challenges. When we attempted to fix the cables, some of the crimps did not work, so we had to redo them. Additionally, we realized that the elbow was drawing a lot of power to maintain its position.

    We realized that all the rails for the servo...

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    Code Progress this Season

    Code Progress this Season By Jai and Elias

    The beginning of our Intake articulation

    There have been several strides on the code end this season including coding Auton and shifting to using a Limelight camera. Autonomous wise, we had a good start in the beginning of the season, since it was very reliable during meet one. In our first meet we were able to score a preloaded sample to the low basket consistently. Since then, we have started coding Auton so the robot can score...

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    Meeting with Texas Tech

    Meeting with Texas Tech By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Sol, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

    Task: Present to Texas Tech Mechanical Engineering Student

    Today we met with a current mechanical engineering student from Texas Tech to discuss several important things like our progress through this season, the current robot, and the future version of our robot.

    After explaining the basic structure of this season’s game, we divided straight into talking about the current iteration of the...

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    Arm Mount Iterations - V1 through V3

    Arm Mount Iterations - V1 through V3 By Anuhya, Krish, Sol, and Fernando

    Task: Improve our Arm Mount

    When we decided to switch to a worm gear as our shoulder as opposed to a coaxial shoulder or a bridge mechanism as our earlier robot had, we had to consider how we were going to attach the linear slide arms to the worm gear axle.


    Because the worm gear axle has a key...

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    Lessons Learned From CNC Failures

    Lessons Learned From CNC Failures By Fernando, Ren, and Sol

    On December 20th, Iron Reign began cutting carbon fiber to assemble our redesigned Arm and Shoulder for V3 of our Into the Deep robot.

    We underestimated the time it would take to CNC as we did not allocate enough time for errors. Our inexperience with the CNC led to numerous time-consuming mistakes we did not account for in our planning. Our coach had to step in and run the remaining operations to ensure that...
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    V3 Sampler: Problems and (maybe) Solutions

    V3 Sampler: Problems and (maybe) Solutions By Anuhya, Nalin, Sol, Fernando, Jai, and Krish

    After working with V2 of our Sampler for a while, we decided it was time to get to a more streamlined building process, involving a template for the polycarb base of the Sampler. However, because we needed to get this new version of the Sampler on the robot ASAP, we essentially moved over everything that wasn’t the polycarb base from the old version onto the new version....

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    League Meet 2 Post-Mortem

    League Meet 2 Post-Mortem By Ren, Aarav, Nalin, Fernando, Jai, Krish, Sol, Georgia, Anuhya, and Elias

    Task: Analyze our League Meet 2 Performance

    After every competition, the team sits down and runs a SWOT(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on the robot and its performance. Here is a breakdown of everything we learned using the SWOT technique after League Meet 2.


    In our conversation, everyone could agree our key strength was the structure of our linear slide. Earlier...

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    League Meet 2 Review

    League Meet 2 Review By Georgia, Aarav, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, Sol, Ren, Nalin, Fernando, Anuhya, Elias, and Alex

    Task: Analyze our performance at League Meet 2

    We had our second league meet today at UME Preparatory Academy. Overall, we had a satisfactory performance because there were definitely parts of our performance that could be developed, but some of the things worked relatively well.

    Match Recap

    Match 1: 31 to 18 Win

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    12/7 & 12/11 Meeting Update

    12/7 & 12/11 Meeting Update By Fernando, Sol, Ren, Anuhya, and Nalin

    On December 7th, the team accomplished several key tasks that were crucial to our robot’s development. We CNC’d the carbon fiber parts. We set the plate fix holes and drilled out the M3 and large part fix holes. Due to a collet mismatch with the 2.4mm bit, we had to drill and screw all the parts manually, but the process went smoothly.

    The team also worked on...

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    How To: Making a Printable Template from a Sketch in Fusion 360

    How To: Making a Printable Template from a Sketch in Fusion 360 By Anuhya

    After some trial and error, this is the most convenient way I've found to convert .dxf files to easily printable files with a level of control over how it prints. It requires the use of Inkscape, which is a free-to-download, free-to-use vector-based software.

    1. Design a sketch with the measurements you want. The measurements should be to scale...
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    Mentoring a Travis FLL Team

    Mentoring a Travis FLL Team By Aarav, Ren, Nalin, Fernando, and Jai

    This past Thursday, Iron Reign went to William B. Travis Middle School to help and mentor their First Lego League robotics team. Iron Reign first was established as an FLL team at Travis, and it was a full circle moment to go back and mentor the current team there. Primarily, we helped out with building challenges, starting the code for their robot, and their presentation....

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    11/26 Meeting Update

    11/26 Meeting Update By Sol, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

    This week, the team made significant progress in various areas as we prepared for the upcoming build. Fernando learned how to CAM, this skill helped him create a custom mount for the worm gearbox. The mount came together smoothly after completing the CAD, CAM, CNC machining, and post-processing steps.

    Additionally, we have been printing swerve parts to ensure we’re ready for our build plans next week. We discussed the design...

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    Beater-Bar Intake Update

    Beater-Bar Intake Update By Ren and Anuhya

    Task: Create a reliable intake system for the Submersible

    We developed an intake system using a 3D printed beater bar out of ninjaflex. The beater bar is used to pull the sample onto the platform. We used clear 1 mm polycarb to form the walls of intake. The walls curve slightly allowing samples faced in many angles to correctly position itself to enter the intake via the beater bars....

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    League Meet 1 Post-Mortem

    League Meet 1 Post-Mortem By Ren, Aarav, Nalin, Fernando, Jai, Krish, Sol, and Georgia

    Task: Analyze our League Meet 1 Performance

    After every competition, the team sits down and runs a SWOT(Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) analysis on the robot and its performance. Here is a breakdown of everything we learned using the SWOT technique after League Meet 1.


    One of the biggest strengths that our robot has was auton reliability. In every single match we played, the...

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    League Meet 1 Review

    League Meet 1 Review By Georgia, Aarav, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, Sol, Ren, Nalin, and Fernando

    Task: Analyze our performance at the League Meet 1

    Today, Iron Reign went to our first League Meet of the season. We made it to 7th place out of 29 teams, and improved heavily from the Screamage.

    Match Recap

    Match 1: 29 to 9 Win

    Scored 1 sample into the low basket during Auton. 1...

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    11/6/24 Meeting Log

    11/6/24 Meeting Log By Fernando, Sol, Aarav, Nalin, and Anuhya

    Task: Build and CAD Progress for Meet 1

    Today, we experimented with a potential lift mechanism, refining ideas to improve its functionality and stability. Additionally, we worked on upgrading an older swerve drive module so it can meet the latest requirements of our design.

    A big milestone was achieved with our new joint for the robot’s elbow, which we call the "Axle Oreo." The team retrieved parts, assembled...

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    Roller Claw Update

    Roller Claw Update By Fernando and Ren

    Task: Improve our Roller Claw Concept

    We’ve made progress on the 2nd version (V2) of the roller claw that is more structurally sound and has an improved intake. To improve the structural stability we added a second standoff between the plates of the claw halves to stop them from twisting while intaking. Additionally, we added a large pyramidal structure in the center of the claw in order to help align samples during intake....

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    10/26/24 Meeting Log

    10/26/24 Meeting Log By Krish, Fernando, Nalin, Aarav, and Jai

    Task: Making Changes Based on Scrimmage Performance

    Today was packed with advancements and challenges. We drilled and attached the intake mechanism onto the arm and completed the real wiring for the arm, marking an essential step forward in functionality. Although we faced some issues with the protective sleeve, we tied it up temporarily, and once the sleeve is in place, the setup will be complete.

    There was a...

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    Full Moon Scrimmage 10/19

    Full Moon Scrimmage 10/19 By Anuhya, Nalin, Krish, Fernando, Jai, Tanvi, Ren, and Aarav

    Task: Analyze our performance at the Full Moon Scrimmage

    Today, Iron Reign attended the annual Full Moon Scrimmage hosted by Marcus High School. We competed in two matches and won both, but they were primarily due to our alliance partners since we faced lots of problems with our robot.

    The biggest issue we faced was our wiring management. Since our...

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    10/16/24 Meeting Log

    10/16/24 Meeting Log By Anuhya, Ren, Elias, Jai, Sol, and Aarav

    Task: Scrimmage Preparation

    Today brought exciting progress on both robotics and jewelry fronts. On the jewelry side, we transformed all current charm designs into silver earrings, creating a complete set of each design.

    In terms of code, we made more progress with Limelight, focusing on translating pose data from the Limelight to the robot. We also consulted the FTC Discord for additional insights. For our ongoing bridge...

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    Roller Claw Proof of Concept

    Roller Claw Proof of Concept By Fernando and Ren

    Task: Experiment with Claw Designs

    Today we built a proof of concept for a roller claw concept that we came up with. This claw took inspiration from a passive rubber band pincer gripper designed by a team on the unofficial FTC Discord server. It also took inspiration from a previous roller/beater intake designed by Iron Reign for the Relic Recovery season (see below).

    To create...

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    10/12/24 Meeting Log

    10/12/24 Meeting Log By Nalin, Tanvi, Fernando, Jai, Krish, Sol, and Aarav

    Task: Scrimmage Preparation

    This week, the team had both portfolio development and robot improvements. The Ideas Festival (previously known as Robot in Two Days) portfolio slide was completed, and a recent Lilly meeting was added to the Connect portion, along with a dedicated blog post.

    On the build side, progress included attaching the power switch, adding a physical stop for the hinge, and making minor tweaks...

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    10/10 Eli Lilly & Co. Meeting

    10/10 Eli Lilly & Co. Meeting By Anuhya, Nalin, Krish, Fernando, Jai, and Tanvi

    Task: Present to engineers from Eli Lilly & Co.

    Today, we met with Robotics Application Engineers from Eli Lilly & Co, a pharmaceutical company that manufactures medicine using biotechnology and machinery.

    We first started off by going over our Summer projects (Simply Swerve and RoboSpyne). We talked about how we came up with the swerve’s design and refined...

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    10/5/24 Meeting Log

    10/5/24 Meeting Log By Nalin, Anuhya, Ren, Fernando, Aarav, and Jai

    Task: Refine Intake for the Early Qualifier

    This week, the team made significant progress on multiple fronts. On the portfolio side, members worked on slides focusing on team organization, financial management, and sustainability of skills. Jewelry project images were organized and refined, and an Instagram post was prepared for the Jewelry. Additionally, an earring order form and website layout were created to expand our online presence.


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    10/2/24 Meeting Log

    10/2/24 Meeting Log By Nalin, Elias, Sol, and Aarav

    Task: Work on Integrating Limelight and Build the Linear Slide

    Today saw a creative leap forward with a prototype for an A-frame and pulley system, designed to rotate the linear slide from a parallel to a perpendicular position relative to the ground. Though the design is still rough, it’s an important first draft to explore the concept. Plans are underway to improve the bridge-to-A-frame connection, potentially using a Ninjaflex hinge or...

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    9/28/24 Meeting Log

    9/28/24 Meeting Log By Nalin, Krish, Elias, Anuhya, Sol, Fernando, Jai, and Aarav

    Task: Make Progress in Prepreation for the Early Qualifier

    Today, the team made substantial progress both in building and portfolio development. We began working on the Ideas Festival page (previously known as Robot in Two Days) and brainstormed fresh ideas to enhance our portfolio. We also engaged with new team members about outreach strategies and portfolio improvements. To boost our presence, a new Instagram post was created,...

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    9/21/24 Meeting Log

    9/21/24 Meeting Log By Nalin, Anuhya, Ren, Sol, Fernando, and Elias

    Today, Anuhya started modeling the full bridge and then moved on to designing the plate that attaches to the bridge structure. The next steps will be refining the attachment to ensure it integrates seamlessly with the rest of the design.

    Nalin and Ren filled up two Motivate pages in the portfolio in preparation for the Early Qualifier. They also took photos for our upcoming jewelry catalog and shared...

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    Applying Forward/Inverse Kinematics to Score with PPE

    Applying Forward/Inverse Kinematics to Score with PPE By Elias and Alex

    Task: Explain how we use kinematics to manipulate PixeLeviosa (our Outtake)

    This year’s challenge led Iron Reign down a complex process of developing an efficient means of scoring, which involved the interaction between the intake and outtake. Currently, we are in the process of implementing Forward and Inverse Kinematics to find and alter the orientation of our outtake, known as PixeLeviosa.


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    Support for the FTC State Championship

    Support for the FTC State Championship By Aarav and Anuhya

    Iron Reign’s state bound! At NTX Regionals, we proudly got Inspire 3, and were the 5th advancement to FTC Texas UIL and the State Championship! With the State championship coming up in only a few weeks, we have a lot of work to do to get our robot up to par, including buying new parts and increasing our outreach efforts. New motors and servos are...

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    Meeting with a Program Management Director at Lockheed Martin

    Meeting with a Program Management Director at Lockheed Martin By Anuhya, Sol, Krish, Elias, Alex, Nalin, Fernando, and Aarav

    Task: Meet with the a professional from Lockheed Martin for advice

    On March 8th we had a meeting with Luis Sanoja, a Program Management Director of Precision Fires Development and Transformation at Lockheed Martin, with a mechanical focus. Our plan for this meeting was to introduce him to the CenterStage game and talk about particular...

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    2nd Meeting with the Director of R&D at HOYA

    2nd Meeting with the Director of R&D at HOYA By Aarav, Anuhya, Sol, Krish, Jai, Elias, and Fernando

    Today, we had our second meeting this season with the Director of R&D at Hoya, Abhi Patnaik. This past weekend, Mr. Patnaik was able to attend the North Texas Regional Championship, where he watched our robot and many others in action. Our meeting today mainly consisted of a Q&A session where Mr. Patnaik asked us questions about...

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    DPRG Presentation Review Meeting

    DPRG Presentation Review Meeting By Aarav, Nalin, Anuhya, Elias, and Jai

    Task: Meet with the DPRG and review our judging presentation

    Today, Iron Reign mock-presented at the DPRG weekly meeting and received tons of valuable feedback. We went through our typical presentation for competition, albeit at a slightly slower pace (we took about 7 minutes as opposed to the traditional 5). After the presentation, we had a long review session where we went through the...

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    Lessons We’ve Learned Switching from CAD to a Physical Model

    Lessons We’ve Learned Switching from CAD to a Physical Model By Anuhya, Sol, Krish, and Fernando

    Task: Overview the issues with PPE V3 and the changes that need to be made.

    This past weekend, we had our regional competition! We were incredibly fortunate to have gotten Inspire 3 and were the 5th advancements to the FTC Texas State Championship in a couple weeks! However, we went into Regionals with a robot we had barely finished...

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    Meeting with the Stanford Salisburg Lab

    Meeting with the Stanford Salisburg Lab By Aarav and Nalin

    Task: Meet with the Salisbury Robotics Lab and discuss their work

    Today, Iron Reign met with four members of the Salisbury Robotics Lab at Stanford University. During this meeting, we discussed project ideation and making the design process more efficient. One piece of advice we received was to split the design process into three parts: synthesis, analysis, and judgment. The synthesis portion is creating the...

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    U^2 Tournament Post-Mortem

    U^2 Tournament Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

    Task: Analyze our performance at the U^2 Tournament

    After we advanced to Regionals by winning Inspire 2, we sat down as a team and discussed our performance as a team. Although we advanced, we are not as far as we want, with PPE V3 not built. If we want to advance to State, we need to show up to Regionals with a fully-built V3 that hopefully...

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    U^2 Tournament Play-By-Play

    U^2 Tournament Play-By-Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

    Task: Review our performance at the U^2 Tournament

    Today, Iron Reign competed in our U^2 League Tournament. We won Think 1 and Inspire 2, advancing us directly to the North Texas Regionals competition on February 24th. Although we could not get V3 of Purple Pixel Eater(our robot) built in time for this competition, we performed well on the field and...

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    Meeting with the Director of the Dallas College STEM Institute

    Meeting with the Director of the Dallas College STEM Institute By Georgia, Anuhya, Sol, Aarav, Krish, Alex, and Jai

    Task: Meet with the Dallas College STEM Institute

    Today, we met with Dr. Jason Treadway, Director of the Dallas College STEM Institute and a former structural engineer. We virtually presented our progress throughout the season, demoed our robot, and shared our work on Mechavator and R2V2. From him, we received valuable feedback about our robot...

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    Meeting with the Director of R&D at Hoya

    Meeting with the Director of R&D at Hoya By Tanvi, Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, and Alex

    Task: Meet with the Director of R&D at HOYA

    Today, Iron Reign met with the Director of R&D at HOYA ITC, Abhi Patnaik. This meeting was focused on discussing the team’s portfolio and materials usage. We presented our work and participated in a Q&A style period to receive feedback, including on our own presentation styles.




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    League Meet 3 Post-Mortem

    League Meet 3 Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

    Task: Analyze our performance at our 3rd League Meet

    After our performance at Meet 3, Iron Reign sat down as a team and discussed what happened. Here’s an overview of our takeaways and next steps as a team, divided into our strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and potential threats.


    • Pretty consistent robot performance as we went 5-1 and were able to score points...
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    League Meet 3 Play-By-Play

    League Meet 3 Play-By-Play By Anuhya, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

    Task: Review our performance at our 3rd League Meet

    Today, Iron Reign had its third league meet. It was more successful than our last league meet, with more success with both the drone launcher and our autonomous code. Overall, we went 5-1 and ended up ranked 3rd due to our relatively high tie-breaker points. We ended up perfectly tying with the 2nd place team when it...

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    Meet Our Field Class

    Meet Our Field Class By Jai and Alex

    Task: Explain how we map the field and use it in our code

    A huge focus this season has been navigation; each scoring sequence spans the whole field: from the wing or stacks to the backdrop, and it’s crucial to make this happen as fast as possible to ensure high-scoring games. To do this, the robot needs deep knowledge of all of the components that make...

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    Positioning Algorithms

    Positioning Algorithms By Jai and Alex

    Task: Determine the robot’s position on the field with little to no error

    With the rigging and the backdrops being introduced as huge obstacles to pathing this year, it’s absolutely crucial that the robot knows exactly where it is on the field. Because we have a Mecanum drivetrain, the included motor encoders slip too much for the fine-tuned pathing that we’d like to do. This year, we use...

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    League Meet 2 Post-Mortem

    League Meet 2 Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

    Task: Analyze our performance at our 2nd League Meet

    After our performance at Meet 2, Iron Reign sat down as a team and discussed what happened. Here’s an overview of our takeaways and next steps as a team, divided into our strengths, weaknesses, potential threats, and opportunities/next steps.


    • Our autonomous scored the purple pixel consistently when set up correctly. This significantly...
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    League Meet 2 Play-By-Play

    League Meet 2 Play-By-Play By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

    Task: Review our performance at our 2nd League Meet

    Today, Iron Reign has its second league meet. It was, in general, a helpful experience and a great chance to compete with local teams. Overall, we went 3-3 and ended up ranked 9th due to our high tie-breaker points. Even though our record was slightly worse compared to the first meet, our robot performance was significantly worse,...

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    Explaining Drone Launcher V1

    Explaining Drone Launcher V1 By Tanvi and Aarav

    Task: Explain how we arrived at our current drone launcher design

    The first iteration of the drone launcher is a simple servo-powered elastic launcher that is controlled like a switch. A linear slide has a servo mounted to the back end and a V-shaped nylon airplane holder is attached to surgical tubing which is attached to a zip tie held by the servo. The system is...

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    League Meet 1 Post-Mortem

    League Meet 1 Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

    Task: Analyze our performance at our 1st League Meet

    After Meet 1, Iron Reign met to discuss their performance as a team and make plans for the next month in preparation for Meet 2. Here are our takeaways and analysis, divided into strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities.


    • Our drive team communicated quite well, and we could score pixels very well and...
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    League Meet 1 Review

    League Meet 1 Review By Anuhya, Vance, Sol, Georgia, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, and Aarav

    Task: Review our performance at our first league meet!

    Today was our first league meet, which means all our wins, losses, overall points and points gained in autonomous would count towards league tournament rankings. This was a good opportunity to see how we'd hold up against other robotics teams who all had the same amount of time to prepare for this season's...

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    AWS Solutions Architect Connect Meeting

    AWS Solutions Architect Connect Meeting By Aarav, Krish, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, and Georgia

    Task: Get Advice from a AWS Solutions Architect

    Today, 6 members of Iron Reign virtually connected with Bilal, an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Solutions Architect, in order to present our team and gain some valuable advice. As a Solution Architect, Bilial focuses on designing, setting up, and troubleshooting client-server solutions through the AWS infrastructure, which involves technical skills, teamwork, and a...

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    Woodrow Scrimmage Presentations

    Woodrow Scrimmage Presentations By Aarav, Jai, Vance, Krish, Sol, Alex, Tanvi, Anuhya, and Georgia

    Task: Share our Portfolio Advice and Summer Adventures with other Teams

    Today, at the Woodrow Scrimmage, in addition to participating in mock inspections and matches, Iron Reign hosted two workshops for Scrimmage participants, one on constructing effective portfolios and another detailing our summer activities. These workshops were significant successes, with 25+ attendees in two sessions, each lasting 30-50 minutes.

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    Scrimmage Review

    Scrimmage Review By Anuhya, Vance, Alex, Sol, Georgia, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, and Aarav

    Task: Review our performance at the first scrimmage of the season

    Earlier today, we had our first scrimmage at Woodrow Wilson! This was our first proper opportunity to interact with other teams and their robots this season and we got a chance to troubleshoot any design issues with our robot. We entered this scrimmage with our beater bar system in the vague shape...

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    10/7/23 Meeting Log

    10/7/23 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Tanvi, Sol, Vance, and Jai

    Assemble and Test our Pixel Intake System

    Today, Iron Reign focused on turning our ideas and designs on CAD into real-life prototypes in preparation for our first scrimmage on October 28th. We began assembling our beater-bar intake system that relies on a custom ninja-flex belt with protrusions that bring in pixels from the ground and from the stack. The ninjaflex belts on the prototype are controlled by a motor...

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    Solar Prep for Girls Recruitment

    Solar Prep for Girls Recruitment By Sol and Vance

    Task: Recruit Future Members at Solar Preparatory for Girls

    Today, Iron Reign members Sol and Vance represented Iron Reign at a recruiting event at Solar Prep for Girls in Dallas. This was an event to recruit new members for the program from middle school and recruit students to attend Townview next year. We had a booth set up with TauBot, our Power Play robot, which we...

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    9/30/23 Meeting Log

    9/30/23 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Tanvi, Georgia, Vance, Krish, Jai, and Alex

    Task: Start prototyping our robot

    Today, Iron Reign continued working on designing and prototyping our robot in preparation for scrimmages and our initial meets. We began working on an intake system for the pixel stack, based on Ringevator, our 2019 intake system. It involves custom ninja-flex belts that grab the pixels and propel them to a collection point for further manipulation. We finished designing it in CAD and...

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    9/23/23 Meeting Log

    9/23/23 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Krish, Tanvi, Vance, and Alex

    Task: Prepare R2V2 for Filming and begin Designing Subsystems

    Today, Iron Reign had an extended meeting to focus on preparing R2V2 for video production and to start designing and testing robot ideas. We plan to produce a complete walkthrough of R2V2, with footage of the individual subsystems and the entire RV driving around autonomously. We were hoping to begin filming today, but we needed to repair both the Steering...

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    CenterStage Introductory Meeting & 9/16 Meeting Log

    CenterStage Introductory Meeting & 9/16 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Krish, Tanvi, Sol, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

    Task: Welcome Recruits to the Workshop and begin Robot Ideation

    Today, Iron Reign hosted our introductory meeting for all new recruits at our workshop. We also began planning and brainstorming for our competition robot and potential subsystem ideas.

    We had approximately 20 recruits in attendance, and we initially showed them the Center Stage reveal video and...

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    DPRG Meeting Presentations

    DPRG Meeting Presentations By Aarav and Anuhya

    Task: Share R2V2 and Ri2D with mentors at DPRG

    Throughout this month, Iron Reign has been presenting its recent work at DPRG(Dallas Personal Robotics Group) meetings on Tuesday evenings. On August 22nd, Iron Reign presented our summer project, R2V2, to DPRG. We received lots of great feedback about improving and expanding our project, including vision-based object tracking to allow the RV to follow specific objects. You can watch a recording of that linked below:...

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    Center Stage Robot in 2 Days(Ri2D) Overview

    Center Stage Robot in 2 Days(Ri2D) Overview By Aarav, Anuhya, Krish, Sol, Tanvi, and Alex

    Task: Build, Code, Test, and Film our Center Stage Ri2D

    This blog post will serve as a more in-depth analysis of Ri2D, including dives into specific subsystems and rationale.

    The Chassis

    In order to save time, we repurposed a basic mecanum and REV rail chassis from our sister team, Iron Giant....

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    Center Stage Game Reveal and Ri2D Day 1

    Center Stage Game Reveal and Ri2D Day 1 By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Sol, Tanvi, and Alex

    Task: Assess the Center Stage Game and begin Ri2D

    Today, Iron Reign attended the season reveal for the new FTC season and began working on this year’s Robot in 2 Days, a tradition where we prototype a preliminary robot the weekend after the reveal to experiment with ideas and concepts. Unfortunately, because of the complexity of this year’s field,...

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    An Overview of the R2V2 Steering Wheel

    An Overview of the R2V2 Steering Wheel By Anuhya, Vance, Trey, Leo, Alex, and Jai

    Task: Design a subsystem to control the steering wheel of R2V2

    One of the main components of our mission to make a remote-controlled RV was figuring out how to automate our steering wheel.

    Step 1: Designing the plywood base for the steering wheel

    Our first plan was to attach a sprocket and chain to the plywood...

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    An Overview of the R2V2 Braking System

    An Overview of the R2V2 Braking System By Aarav, Tanvi, Krish, Sol, and Gabriel

    Task: Design a subsystem to control the braking of R2V2

    An essential part of effectively remote controlling R2V2 is the developing a method for controlling the brake autonomously. We decided, for safety reasons, to not involve the accelerator at all, so the movement of RV2V would be reliant on the application of pressure on the brake.

    Our main requirement...

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    Flyset - R2V2 and Dashboard

    Flyset - R2V2 and Dashboard By Anuhya, Jai, Krish, Alex, and Sol

    Task: Give presentations at Flyset about progress made this summer

    This weekend, we participated in the FlySet workshop, graciously hosted by team 8565, TechnicBots. We gave two presentations: one on our summer project, R2V2, and one on changes we made to FTC Dashboard.

    R2V2 - A Center-Stage Drive


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    Recruiting at Flight School

    Recruiting at Flight School By Aarav, Anuhya, Tanvi, Jai, and Georgia

    Task: Recruit new members at the TAG Flight School

    Today, Iron Reign presented at TAG’s Flight School in order to recruit new members in preparation for the upcoming season to fill out our sister teams, Iron Core and Iron Giant. There was a quick recruitment presentation and a demonstration of basic REV components for interested freshmen. The idea was to generate hype and interest in order to ensure attendance at...

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    FTC World Championship 2023

    FTC World Championship 2023 By Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Trey, Gabriel, Vance, Leo, Tanvi, Georgia, Krish, Arun, Aarav, and Sol

    Our Experience This Year at Worlds

    Over this past week, we had our final preparations for the FTC Worlds Championship in Houston, Texas, which was our final destination after everything we’d done this season. This Championship was an incredible opportunity for us to interact with teams from around the world, and establish relationships with teams we never would...

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    Scrimmage Before Worlds

    Scrimmage Before Worlds By Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Trey, Gabriel, Vance, and Leo

    Attending a Final Scrimmage Before Worlds

    Today, we attended a scrimmage that team 8565, Technic Bots, graciously invited us to. The point of this scrimmage was to get some time seeing the changes which the other Worlds-advancing NTX teams had implemented, and to get some ideas of strategies and alliances. This was the first time we were able to get proper driver practice with the newly designed Transfer Plate...

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    Consequences of Removing the Shoulder Support Spring

    Consequences of Removing the Shoulder Support Spring By Anuhya, Trey, Leo, Gabriel, and Vance

    We learned the consequences of making small changes to build without fully knowing the outcome

    A small change can make a huge difference: we have learned that we really should have put the shoulder spring back in place after we rebuilt Taubot. The Crane arm fails to maintain its shoulder angle, and this is an issue which has only started since we built Tau2. We're...

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    Meeting Log 4/9

    Meeting Log 4/9 By Georgia, Sol, Trey, and Leo

    Task: Prepare for Worlds through Build and Drive

    Today, we did drive practice, and worked out some of the smaller issues with transfer.

    While doing robot testing, the servo on the underarm shoulder joint broke. We took apart the joint in order to fix the servo, but the servo's gearbox was not accessible, rendering us unable to diagnose the problem, so we had to replace the old servo with a...

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    Meeting Log 4/1

    Meeting Log 4/1 By Sol, Georgia, Trey, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, Vance, Alex, and Aarav

    Task: Gripper Redesign and Build Fixes

    Trey redesigned the gripper stopper on the underarm to limit the degrees of movement so that the underarm gripper will not get stuck. The original design of the gripper stopper did not fully stop the gripper because it did not limit the gripper's movement as much as we wanted it to.

    The tensioning belt on the...

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    Texas State and UIL Championship Post-Mortem

    Texas State and UIL Championship Post-Mortem By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Leo, Vance, Alex, Krish, Jai, and Tanvi

    Discuss the events of Regionals, analyze our performance, and prepare future plans

    This weekend, Iron Reign participated in the FTC UIL Championship, which was mainly robot game, and the FTC Texas State tournament, where we advanced to FTC Worlds with the Think award, an award granted for the engineering portfolio and documentation. We learned a lot from our gameplay and...

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    UIL and State Play-by-Play

    UIL and State Play-by-Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Tanvi, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, Arun, and Krish

    Review the events of the UIL and FTC State Championships

    This past week we participated in the FTC state championship and UIL state competition in Belton, Texas. Overall, we were successful, winning the Think Award at State and thus advancing to Worlds despite less-than-ideal robot performance. First, we will discuss judging and then transition into our game-by-game...

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    Meeting Log 3/3

    Meeting Log 3/3 By Jai, Anuhya, Aarav, Alex, Tanvi, Georgia, Gabriel, Sol, Trey, Krish, Arun, Vance, and Leo

    Task: Plan and strategize for the Road to State

    Finally back from a much-needed break after regionals, the team got back together for a more strategy-focused meeting, and we did some preliminary work on code, build, and portfolio.


    To help us use our time efficiently, we focused the first couple hours of the meeting on planning. We created...

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    Meeting with the Head of the Dallas College STEM Institute

    Meeting with the Head of the Dallas College STEM Institute By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Arun, Jai, Krish, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Gabriel

    Task: Meet with the Dallas College STEM Institute

    Today, team 6832 met with Jason Treadway, Head of the Dallas College STEM Institute and a former structural engineer. We virtually presented our robot and outreach efforts and were able to both intrigue him and received important input from him.

    Overall, Mr....

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    NTX Regionals Post-Mortem

    NTX Regionals Post-Mortem By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Alex, Krish, and Jai

    Discuss the events of Regionals, analyze our performance, and prepare future plans

    This past Saturday, team 6832 Iron Reign participated in the NTX Regionals Championship at Marcus High School. Overall, despite some robot performance issues, we won the Motivate award, meaning we advanced to both the UIL State Championship and FTC State Championship. Today, 2 days after the competition, we had our Regionals Post-Mortem, and...

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    NTX Regionals Play-by-Play

    NTX Regionals Play-by-Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Sol, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, Arun, and Krish

    Review the events of the NTX Regional

    Today, Iron Reign participated at the NTX Regional Championship in Flower Mound. Even with major robot performance issues, we were still able to advance to both the UIL State Championship and the FTC State Championship by winning the Motivate award after a strong presentation and portfolio showing. We ended up with...

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    Meeting Log 2/21

    Meeting Log 2/21 By Jai, Anuhya, Vance, Leo, Gabriel, and Georgia

    Regionals Prep: Work on Build, Code, and Presentation

    With regionals just 4 days away, we had a lot to work on for TauBot2. Today, we focused on implementing a new Joint class in all of our joints in the UnderArm, soldered wires for the new Shoulder and turret assembly, and continued to wire the robot.


    One issue that we had run...

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    Meeting Log 2/18

    Meeting Log 2/18 By Alex, Anuhya, Sol, Gabriel, Aarav, Jai, Leo, David D, Georgia, and Krish

    Task: Regional Prep, Portfolio Development, Underarm Wiring and new Shoulder and Turret Assembly

    To start we began to bring the wiring for the UnderArm through our wiring sleeve. The current UnderArm wiring situation was less than ideal and it needed to be reworked. About half of our UnderArm’s wires were in a wire sleeve and today we added...

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    Meeting Log 2/17

    Meeting Log 2/17 By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Tanvi, Georgia, Gabriel, and Krish

    Work on build, code, and presentation in preparation for Regionals next week.

    With the Regional competition coming up quite soon, we needed to get to work finishing up the build for TauBotV2, optimizing the code with new inverse kinematics for the double-jointed UnderArm, finishing up some subsystem blog posts, and practicing and preparing our presentation.


    With a heavily below-par performance than the Tournament...

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    UnderArm Inverse Kinematics

    UnderArm Inverse Kinematics By Jai, Vance, Alex, Aarav, and Krish

    Task: Implement Inverse Kinematics on the UnderArm

    Inverse kinematics is the process of finding the joint variables needed for a kinematic chain to reach a specified endpoint. In the context of TauBot2, inverse kinematics, or IK is used in the crane and the UnderArm. In this blog post, we'll be focused on the implementation of IK in the UnderArm.

    The goal of...

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    A Deep Dive into the Shoulder and UnderArm

    A Deep Dive into the Shoulder and UnderArm By Aarav, Anuhya, and Krish

    Describe our Implementation of the Shoulder and Turret Subsystems

    With our primary game strategy for this season being to limit our movement around the playing field, the ability to quickly and easily rotate our intake and deposit systems is vital. Additionally, the ability to reach a variety of poles and scoring options is also crucial if we are to remain stationary. This is why we implemented...

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    Meeting Log 2/11

    Meeting Log 2/11 By Jai, Anuhya, Arun, Sol, David D, Georgia, Vance, Gabriel, Aarav, Alex, Tanvi, Leo, and Krish

    Task: Continue to assemble TauBot2, work on portfolio, and prepare for Regionals

    First off, we began assembling and wiring the UnderArm system. In the process of putting the UnderArm together, we ran into a couple of hurdles. The alignment on our parts was incredibly difficult to get right, and in the process of aligning them,...

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    Meeting Log 2/10

    Meeting Log 2/10 By Tanvi, Sol, Gabriel, Trey, and Alex

    Task: Attend to TauBot2 and transfer knowledge to the new recruits

    Today was another day of onboarding recruits. For the next few weeks, along with regional preparation, we will be focused on the transfer of knowledge from seniors to recruits. Today the recruits shadowed the senior Iron Reign members, Trey and Gabriel.

    Gabriel was working on TauBot 2. Trey was working on...

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    CONNECTing with Professionals at the DISD Stem Expo

    CONNECTing with Professionals at the DISD Stem Expo By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, and Georgia

    Task: Explore Possible Connection Opportunities at the DISD STEM Expo

    Today, Iron Reign presented at the DISD Stem Expo in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center. Here, we both demoed TauBot and hosted a STEM activity for young children which involved building LEGO Mindstorms EV3 robots and then battling them SUMO style in a battle hexagon.

    While this event was a great opportunity...

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    Meeting Log 2/3

    Meeting Log 2/3 By Jai, Aarav, Anuhya, Leo, Trey, Georgia, Vance, Gabriel, Alex, Sol, Tanvi, and David D

    Task: Onboarding New Recruits, Organization, CAM, and Connect

    Today we onboarded most of the new recruits and continued to work on fixing our broken shoulder from the last tournament. We also organized a lot of the RoboDojo and brainstormed more ideas for how we can reach out to professionals to better prepare for the upcoming Regionals...

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    D&U Tournament Play by Play

    D&U Tournament Play by Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, Vance, and Trey

    Task: Narrate the events of the D&U Tournament

    Today, Iron Reign and our two sister teams competed in the D&U League Tournament at Woodrow Wilson High School, the culmination of the previous three qualifiers. Overall, we did pretty well, winning both Inspire 1 and Think 2, which means we will be directly advancing to the Regional competition in about a month. There...

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    Overview of the past 3 weeks

    Overview of the past 3 weeks By Anuhya, Aarav, Leo, Vance, Trey, Gabriel, and Georgia

    Task: Recount the developments made to the robot in the past 3 weeks

    The past three weeks have been incredibly eventful, as we try to beat the clock and finish TaBbot: V2. We had a lot of work to do in build and code, since we were putting together an entirely new robot, coding it, and getting it competition-ready...

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    League Meet #3 Review

    League Meet #3 Review By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, Vance, Trey, and Georgia

    Task: Review our performance at the 3rd League Meet and discuss possible next steps

    Today, Iron Reign and our two sister teams participated in the 3rd League Meet for the U League at UME Preparatory for qualification going into the Tournament next week. Overall, we did solid, going 4-2 at the meet; however, we lost significant tiebreaker points in autonomous points due...

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    Presenting to DPRG

    Presenting to DPRG By Anuhya, Trey, Leo, Gabriel, and Vance

    Task: Present a status update to Dallas Personal Robotics Group

    You can watch our full presentation here. Today was our second meeting with Dallas Personal Robotics Group , or DPRG, this season. We updated the engineers at DPRG with our build and code progress. First, we ran through our newly assembled parts and subsystems. Then we showed our work in progress CAD in...

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    Meeting Log 1/6

    Meeting Log 1/6 By Aarav, Anuhya, and Georgia

    Task: Documentation and CAD

    Today,we focused mainly on documentation and the continued CAD for the next iteration of TauBot. We worked on the outreach and Motivate sections of the Engineering Portfolio along with a few of the preliminary slides. Furthermore, we also made sure that the blog was all up to date.

    On the CAD side of things, we finished the shoulder drive on the CAD model and began...

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    Meeting Log 01/04

    Meeting Log 01/04 By Georgia, Anuhya, and Leo

    Task: Build and CAD

    Today we focused on building and modeling our second iteration of Toubot. After designing and cutting out the parts for the underarm on the CNC we began assembly.

    As for modeling, we worked on the shoulder drive for Toubot2. We are redesigning our motor mounts because we need the extension on the arm to be stronger. We are changing the design for the shoulder drive...

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    Meeting Log 12/30

    Meeting Log 12/30 By Georgia, Leo, and Gabriel

    Task: Driver Practice!

    Recently, Vance implemented a new control scheme : scoring patterns. This required some changes to the way the cone is “transported” throughout the field when the driver operated, and we found it was best to “fly the gripper” by controlling the 3 dimensional position of the cone on a cartesian space superimposed on the field. Basically, we control the x,y,z, which is a big change compared to the...

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    Virtual DPRG Meeting 12/17

    Virtual DPRG Meeting 12/17 By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, and Leo

    Task: Present TauBot to the Dallas Personal Robotics Group

    Today, we virtually presented our robot to the Dallas Personal Robotics Group(DPRG) to showcase our progress for this season and hopefully get advice on our robot's design, code, and presentation. DPRG is a group of engineers and robot enthusiasts who meet multiple times a...

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    Townview Tournament

    Townview Tournament By Gabriel, Georgia, Anuhya, Trey, and Leo

    Hosting the Townview Tournament

    This Saturday marked the First Tournament of the season, and with it came the opportunity for us to host the event at our homeschool, Townview. Twenty seven teams showed up for the tournament, all displaying great levels of gracious professionalism and a wonderful sense of sportsmanship for the whole tournament.

    What we learned

    This was a great opportunity for us...

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    Meeting Log 12/06

    Meeting Log 12/06 By Georgia, Anuhya, Leo, Vance, and Gabriel

    Task: Improving code

    Today we tuned auton, implemented inverse kinematics, and made driver controls more user friendly.

    We implemented inverse kinematics with driver controls, auton, and the memory system. ​​We changed the driver controls to use height and distance rather than angle and shoulder. This makes it faster and much easier for the drivers to fine tune adjustments when dropping and picking up...

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    Meeting Log 12/02

    Meeting Log 12/02 By Georgia, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, and Vance

    Task: Prepare for Our Second League Meet

    Today we worked on finishing the nudge stick and auton code, along with doing driver practice and other preparations for the upcoming meet.

    We finished working on code for the nudge stick so it will rotate to the left or right of the pole in order to help the driver align the cone with the pole more easily and quickly....

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    Meeting Log 11/29

    Meeting Log 11/29 By Georgia, Anuhya, Gabriel, and Vance

    Task: Code and Build Before League Meet

    We partially remade the joint that connects the extension part of the crane to the turret, as we found that under high stress the gears were prone to slipping. We also changed the gear ratios on the shoulder to increase the torque produced at the cost of the speed of the crane. We did this because under most situations we were hitting the...

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    Meeting Log 11/26

    Meeting Log 11/26 By Georgia, Gabriel, and Leo

    Task: Build, Modeling, and Drive Practice for Upcoming League Meet

    We spent today's meeting fixing minor build problems, then ran timed practice matches. Additionally, we started modeling the prototype for the nudge stick.

    We began designing a prototype for a nudge stick, which will help speed up cone drop off. The stick will touch the pole at one point of contact and will be able...
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    Code Progess for November

    Code Progess for November By Vance and David

    April Tags

    This year, using FTC 6547's tutorial on april tags, we developed a system to detect which parking location we should park in. The april tag system allows the onboard camera to detect the sleeve at a distance without it being directly in front of the camera unlike other systems. It also requires much less processing than QR codes which allow it to detect the sleeve...
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    Meeting Log 11/19

    Meeting Log 11/19 By Georgia, Aarav, Gabriel, Trey, Leo, and Vance

    Task: Drive Practice and Improving Code

    Today, we spent time improving upon the code by fixing the odometry and fine tuning it, along with doing some much needed drive practice.

    We fine tuned the PID and speed, as well as the pickup and drop speed and staging. We also fixed the odometry, which calculates the position of the robot based on how...

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    Meeting Log 11/18

    Meeting Log 11/18 By Gabriel, Trey, and Vance

    1. Fix Issues from the Last Meet
    2. Build Upon our Current Strategy
    2. Continue to Develop TauBot 2.0

    The League Meet was a rude awakening for all the things we needed to improve upon and start. This includes a better autonomous, as other leagues are already having regular 30-40 point autonomous programs, documentation as even though League Meets don’t require them, the Tournament is slowly encroaching...

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    1st League Meet - Post Mortem

    1st League Meet - Post Mortem By Georgia, Aarav, Gabriel, Leo, Trey, Vance, and David

    1. Review 1st League Meet
    2. Analyze 1st League Meet Performance
    3. Discuss Possible Fixes + Next Steps

    Play By Play

    1st Match - The first round went horribly wrong, as Gabriel touched the phone after randomization, netting a minor penalty. While autonomous did read the April Tags, the arm was outside the tile, so regardless we didn’t score the 20 points...

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    Meeting Log 11/11

    Meeting Log 11/11 By Gabriel, Vance, Aarav, David, and Georgia

    Task: Finalizing the Robot the Day Before Competition

    The day before a competition always sees arguably the most productivity from all the teams in a rush to finish up what they hope to accomplish the next day. For Reign, this was getting autonomous working, final drive practice for Georgia, and the printing of the team beacons.

    Finishing Auton:

    The first few hours were filled with commits from...

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    Meeting Log 11/10

    Meeting Log 11/10 By Georgia, Gabriel, Leo, Vance, Trey, and David

    Task: Finishing Code for Upcoming Meet and Drive Practice

    We fixed the turret heading PID so that it does not spin uncontrollably when the angle changes from 359 to 0, and adjusted and tuned ticks per inch. We integrated memory of drop off and pickup positions with the crane so our drives don't have to spend a lot of time precisely aligning the arm with the cones and...

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    Meeting Log 11/8

    Meeting Log 11/8 By Gabriel and Leo

    Task: Preparing the Robot for the Upcoming League Meet

    General Fixes:

    The LED battery holder from the previous meeting snapped, requiring us to rebend and make a new gate for the LED Battery holder from scratch, which took a bit of time. In addition to this, all the set screws on the robot for the shaft collars and the pulley systems, as well as using threadlocker on the right motor mount in...

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    Meeting Log 11/5

    Meeting Log 11/5 By Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Georgia

    Task: Fixing Issues from the Screamage Pt.2

    In tandem with yesterday, the main goal of this meeting was to improve upon the robot after the Screamage. This consisted of two main aspects, being a new way to mount the pulley because of the set screw of the motor that kept untightening from the axel and falling off at the most inopportune times, and a new battery holder for the...

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    Meeting Log 11/4

    Meeting Log 11/4 By Gabriel, Trey, and David

    Task: Fixing Issues from the Screamage

    After the Screamage, many different problems became apparent, including the fact that the robot just barely fit sizing requirements. In order to combat this, we decided to cut off .75 inches off the arm extension from the carbon fiber rod and added a new hole for the mount for the gripper system, which didn’t have an effect on the code or presets. Trey also continued...

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    Meeting Log 10/22

    Meeting Log 10/22 By Georgia, Aarav, Gabriel, Leo, Trey, Anuhya, Aarav, and David

    Task: Drive Practice and Getting Code to Work

    Today was mainly focused on getting proper drive practice and getting the path following for the April Tags to go to the correct locations. As such, in between commits, our drivers Leo and Georgia were able to get some familiarity with the controls, while our coders Vance and David worked on PID tuning and autonomous corrections.

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    Overall Progress From the Past Two Weeks

    Overall Progress From the Past Two Weeks By Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, and David

    1. Working on path following with Code
    2. Creating prototypes to optimize the Build design
    3. Gaining experience with 3D Modeling using Fusion 360


    Our main coders, Vance and David, have continued working on reqriting the code base to make it easier to understand. We have many new recruits on our sister teams who are interested in learning...

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    Meeting Log 9/24

    Meeting Log 9/24 By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, and Leo

    1. Game strategy 2. Tombot as sparring partner. 3. Gripper Designs. 4. New recruit build teams.

    Game Strategy

    Iron Reign engaged in an exercise to better understand the game and create an optimal strategy when multiple robots are on the playing field. Two team members were blindfolded and acted as “robots,” while two others were the “driver” and voiced instructions. The blindfolded members followed...
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    Robot in 2 Days

    Robot in 2 Days By Anuhya, Aarav, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, Trey, and Leo

    Our First Ideas: Robot in 2 Days!

    Our Ideas with Build

    As a base robot, we started with an 18 inch cubic frame. This was the frame we'd most easily be able to modify and build upon as we progressed further into the year. For an initial brainstorming session, our Robot in Two Days would let us get some ideas into place which we...

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    Season Reveal

    Season Reveal By Anuhya, Aarav, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, and Trey

    The Season Reveal of 2022-2023's Game: Power Play!

    Today was the season's official kick off the 2022-2023 game, Power Play! However, Gabriel, one of our members, gave a wonderful keynote speech, taking inspiration from Steve Jobs, for the reveal of our Mechavator.

    Initial Thoughts

    Our first thoughts when we saw the new game, which is about capping yellow poles mounted on springs throughout the game...

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    Interest Meeting

    Interest Meeting By Anuhya, Aarav, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, Leo, and Trey

    Our Interest Meeting at TMC

    To gain more members for our sister teams, Team 15373, Iron Core, and Team 3734, Pandemonium, we held an interest meeting at Townview Magnet Center earlier today. It was crucial to get more members so we could continue the Iron Reign legacy for the future years, as our members are all from our sister teams.

    Our new sponsor, Mr.Florczak,...

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    FLYSET Workshop

    FLYSET Workshop By Anuhya, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Aarav

    Task: Give a presentation at the FLYSET Workshop

    At the FLYSET Workshop, hosted by team 8565, Technicbots, and team 20313, Mustang Robotics, we were tasked with introducing our remote controlled excavator, Mechavator, to the advance track attendees.

    Gabriel was tasked with making the presentation and script for the workshop, in which we would also include teasers about our video, Duck Hunt. Each of us were...

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    Recruiting at Flight School

    Recruiting at Flight School By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, and Georgia

    Task: Recruit new members at the TAG Flight School

    Earlier this afternoon, at TAG's flight school event for new freshmen, Iron Reign had a club booth for all the new freshmen to check out. There was a quick recruitment presentation for all the people who showed interest. Potential members also received information about the first meeting at our offsite location. Recruitment efforts like these are important to fill up our...

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    Dallas City of Learning at Frontiers of Flight

    Dallas City of Learning at Frontiers of Flight By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Georgia

    Task: Connecting with the communoity through the Frontiers of Flight

    This morning, Iron Reign demoed at the Dallas City Learning event at the Frontiers of Flight Museum, which had over 550 attendees. This fair featured STEAM activities from local organizations and the museum, along with local industry professionals.

    At this event, we demonstrated our previous year’s...

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    Designing the New Workshop

    Designing the New Workshop By Aarav and Anuhya

    Task: Design a floorplan and model for the new workshop

    With the limits of our current workspace reached and the need to expand with more recruits and machinery; Iron Reign set off on a new summer project. The objective: design a new workspace for Iron Reign to be constructed further into the property. This new workshop would help Iron Reign improve our fabrication and machining capabilities and expand our program. It also served...

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    Last Practice Before UIL!

    Last Practice Before UIL! By Anuhya, Georgia, Bhanaviya, Ben, Mahesh, Gabriel, Aarav, Trey, Shawn, and Leo

    Our Last Meeting Before UIL!

    This marks our final competition of the Freight Frenzy season.

    Getting in our final drive practice

    Trey, Georgia, Ben and Gabriel got in their last couple hours of drive practice at the RoboDojo. Knowing this was our last time we would be able to practice in our home field, we made sure that we...

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    Meeting Log 4/01

    Meeting Log 4/01 By Vance, Georgia, Trey, Gabriel, Bhanaviya, Leo, and Mahesh

    Task: Replace Crane Servo with a Motor

    After six broken servos amounting to around 240 dollars worth of funding, it became apparent that the current model of servo we were using wasn't up to the task that it needed to fulfill.

    First came the issue of figuring out how to mount the motor. An HdHex Motor was decided upon as it was able to support additions to increase...

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    Meeting Log 3/29

    Meeting Log 3/29 By Anuhya, Georgia, Trey, Gabriel, Ben, Cooper, and Paul

    Task: Getting in some serious drive practice at Woodrow

    We took some time out of our week to get in some drive practice at Woodrow so we would be able to practice working together with another team and collaborating with a make-shift alliance.

    Drive Practice at Woodrow

    Practice matches run: 16 The main purpose of our drive practice at Woodrow was getting drive practice with another...

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    First Season Scrimmage at Hedrick MS

    First Season Scrimmage at Hedrick MS By Trey, Bhanaviya, Ben, Jose, Justin, Aaron, Karina, and Cooper

    Task: Compete and observe important things needed to continue the build of circle robot and for future competitions.

    This Saturday Iron Reign attended the scrimmage at Hedrick Middle School. This scrimmage was for many rookies, the first exposure to a competition environment and the basic structures of team communication. Both the rookies and the returning team members had an...

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    DISD Scrimmage at Hedrick MS

    DISD Scrimmage at Hedrick MS By Charlotte, Janavi, Ethan, Evan, Justin, Karina, and Abhi

    Task: Compete at the Hedrick MS DISD Scrimmage

    Today, Iron Reign competed in the DISD scrimmage at Hedrick Middle School. This was the first scrimmage of the year, so experienced teams and rookie teams alike struggled to get a working robot on the field. We go to this scrimmage every year, and it helps us gage just how much needs to be done...

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    CNC Machine Rehab 1

    CNC Machine Rehab 1 By Ethan and Charlotte

    Task: Refurbish an Apple II CNC Mill and Lathe Set

    We were helping our school's FRC team clean out their parts closet, which hadn't been cleaned in 10-ish years. Under the layers and layers of FRC junk, we found an Apple II-operated Patterson/Paxton CNC Milling Set. These were meant to run off of a long-since-gone Apple II in a classroom setting. But, it had long been auctioned off, leaving the set useless. But,...

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    Iron Reign Engineering Journal Summary

    Iron Reign Engineering Journal Summary By Ethan

    Task: Write a summary page for the engineering journal

    The generic engineering journal rubric given to teams by FIRST heavily recomends having a season-summary intro page at the front of the journal. As well, every winning example journal includes the summary. So, we figured out that it might be a good idea to actually make one.


    Iron Reign has been a FIRST team, in one form or another, for eight years....

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    Oklahoma Regionals, 2018

    Oklahoma Regionals, 2018 By Ethan, Evan, Janavi, Charlotte, Abhi, Tycho, Austin, Karina, Kenna, Shaggy, and Justin

    Task: Compete at the Oklahoma Regional

    In November, we went to a Oklahoman qualifier in Mustang. The reason for this was purely strategic - by competing in multiple regions, we have more chances of advancing, as well as having more in-tournament experience overall. There, we got 2nd-place Inspire and advanced to the Oklahoma Regionals. Then, when we came back to Dallas,...

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    North Texas Regionals, 2018

    North Texas Regionals, 2018 By Ethan, Evan, Abhi, Tycho, Janavi, Charlotte, Austin, Karina, and Kenna

    Task: Win at the North Texas Regionals

    All over the city, lights turned on. In each house, a member departed, on their way to a secretive location, Iron Reign headquarters. Each member entered the HQ, took a parcel, and boarded the equally secretive Iron Reign Mystery Bus, on our way to an even more undisclosed location, the North Texas...
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    Wylie East Qualifier 2018

    Wylie East Qualifier 2018 By Ethan, Evan, Charlotte, Janavi, Karina, Tycho, Austin, Abhi, and Kenna

    Task: Compete at the Wylie East Qualifier


    It was a cold and dark morning. The howling winds of a cold front rushed through the grass. Under this cover of darkness, one car after another pulled up to a house, dimly lit. A car door would open for a second, letting a child out into the cold night. Under these auspicous conditions,...

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    Chassis Model

    Chassis Model By Abhi and Janavi

    Task: Use Creo Parametric to CAD the chassis

    After making significant development on our robot, we decided to model it. So far, we have developed the chassis of the robot seen below

    To develop this, many types of contraints were used.

    The entire model is dependent on this tetrix bar. The bar was constrainted using the Default feature since it was the base of the model. To this, the lift...

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    Introducing Kraken

    Introducing Kraken By Abhi and Tycho

    Task:Design the robot model

    We have finally completed assembly modeling Kraken, Iron Reign's Relic Recovery robot. Named after the sea creature due to the robot's OCTOPUCKERS, Kraken stands as a fierce competitor in FTC.

    To the chassis, we added the glyph system mounting. We first designed a linear slide replica and constrained that to a small TETRIX U connector piece which attached to the REV rail base. On the other side...

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    Alumni Meeting

    Alumni Meeting By Ethan, Abhi, Karina, Austin, Tycho, Kenna, Charlotte, Janavi, Darshan, Jayesh, and Omar

    Task: Talk with our former members

    Since we're in the last weeks of December, our schools are legally obligated to let us out. And, while colleges aren't legally mandated to let their students out, they tend to do so, as not doing that would rather enrage their students and families. So, due to this fortuitous coincidence, us simple FTC students were able...

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    Townview Qualifier 2017

    Townview Qualifier 2017 By Kenna, Abhi, Ethan, Austin, Evan, Charlotte, Karina, Tycho, Janavi, and Jayesh

    This past weekend, Iron Reign hosted a 28-team qualifier at Townview Magnet Center. Many of us attend the School of Science and Engineering inside Townview, so it was familiar territory and made the whole experience a little easier. We were lucky enough to host a Scrimmage as practice for our actual qualifier. Weeks of preparation and anticipation paid...

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    Oklahoma 2017 Post-Mortem

    Oklahoma 2017 Post-Mortem By Ethan, Evan, Tycho, Austin, Janavi, Kenna, Abhi, Charlotte, and Karina

    Task: Recap what went right and wrong in Oklahoma

    Even though we did very well in the Oklahoma qualifier, we still encountered several problems, that if not addressed, could lower our chances of getting to Super-Regionals. So, we had a team discussion on what to do differently in the next tournament, and what to keep constant.


    Time management
    Our time...
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    Oklahoma Qualifier Recap

    Oklahoma Qualifier Recap By Ethan, Evan, Austin, Janavi, Charlotte, Kenna, Tycho, Karina, and Abhi
    Task: Compete at the Oklahoma Qualifier

    Once done, our postmortem post will be here.

    On Nov. 17, we went to the Oklahoma Mustang HS qualifier. Our strategy for this tournament was to attempt to qualify in multiple regions so that we have more chances to get to the South Super Regionals. For...

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    Building the Garage

    Building the Garage By Ethan, Evan, Austin, and Kenna

    Task: Build a cover for our field

    Since Iron Reign is hosted in our coaches' house, we only have so much space. Even though we've basically taken over their house, a consequence of that is that we don't really have a place to put the field...until now.

    In prior posts, we've talked about building a pool deck to store our field, and its finally become a...

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    Greenhill FTC Qualifier

    Greenhill FTC Qualifier By Ethan, Evan, Tycho, Charlotte, Austin, Abhi, Tycho, Karina, and Kenna

    Task: Compete at our first FTC qualifier

    So, we were absolute failures. There's no way to get around that. We got 14th place out of 14, and our presentation flopped. But, its not the end of the world, even if it may feel like it. We have another qualifier in Oklahome in one week, and we need to analyze what we did wrong...

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    Relic Recovery Strategy Part 1

    Relic Recovery Strategy Part 1 By Austin

    Task: Determine building strategy for Relic Recovery

    Any well-versed team understands that, depending on the competition for the year, a robot will either be modified to compete or be built from the ground up. In any case, however, a robot often starts at its chassis, and teams have multiple companies that provide solutions to the common robot chassis’ needs and specifications. To name a few: AndyMark® has its standard kits that include all the...

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    Building the Field

    Building the Field By Janavi, Charlotte, Ethan, Abhi, Karina, and Austin

    Task: Build the field

    Today we started the task of building the field, which we received for free, thanks to DISD and their generous donation. The first task Charlotte, Austin, Karina worked on was assembling the balancing stones and the cryptoboxes. While building the field we ran into a few difficulties. First, when we were making the balancing stone, we accidentally had on the cover plate on...

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    Iron Reign and Substainability

    Iron Reign and Substainability By Ethan

    Iron Reign's Substainability

    Iron Reign has been a team for 8+ years now through multiple competitions. We started as a wee middle school FLL team at W.B. Travis, and we've grown exponentially since then. We've competed in MoonBots and FTC, represented our school at SuperRegionals, presented at the National Science Teachers' Association covention, and built our own RV in order to serve underpriveledged communities accross the Dallas Metroplex. But, after the current original team members...

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    Dear Iron Reign

    Dear Iron Reign By Jayesh

    Dear Iron Reign,

    8 years ago, when I walked into Mr. Schulte’s room after school, I didn’t realize my life was about to change dramatically. I’d heard there was a robotics club which was attempting to be started. I’d had sparse experience with the subject, through extraneous events like the annual Engineering Saturday at UTA, so I decided to give it a shot. When I walked through that door on the second floor, I didn’t realize I would find my second family and grow...

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    So, You're Writing a Blog Post

    So, You're Writing a Blog Post By Ethan


    layout: Do not touch.
    title: Title of your article (you can't use hyphens or colons.) tags: Enter as comma seperated list, case insensitive. Try to use one award and one normal tag

    • Tips - tips and tricks for other teams.
    • Journal - working on the journal, blog, and posts like this one.
    • Outreach - volunteering and special events. Ex. Moonday, NSTA
    • Mechanical - work on the robot, parts, building,...
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    Omar's Farewell

    Omar's Farewell By Omar

    Task: Bye :'(

    Hooray for graduation! Sort of. As we seniors write our farewell blog posts before we head to college, we have a lot of years to think about. In my case, I only have my 4 years of high school to pull from, but that's more than enough to express my gratitude for being on this team. I've learned so much in so many different areas, and not just scientific ones. I've learned...

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    Darshan's Farewell

    Darshan's Farewell By Darshan

    Task: Adios mis amigos

    Well... this is somewhat of a bittersweet moment for me. All of us seniors are leaving for college in hopes of spreading our horizons and making something of ourselves, but we're leaving this team that has become almost a second family. It's been a good few years since I first joined this team and I never thought that I would even make it to this point. I've learned so much in...

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    Dinner Discussions

    Dinner Discussions By Lin, Max, Tycho, Jayesh, Darshan, and Evan

    Task: Set last practices' priorities

    Many members were out of town this break but we still managed to make a good deal of progress. What we forgot to do was post about it. Github kept track of code edits and we have other records of the practices, so we have a list of 11 articles to be written by this Sunday at the latest. Tomorrow's practice (Saturday March...

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    Regional Postmortem

    Regional Postmortem By Ethan, Lin, Austin, Jayesh, Omar, Darshan, Max, and Tycho

    Task: Analyse what we did right and wrong at regionals



    • Detailed scouting sheets
    • Had good inter-team dynamic
    • Organized
    • Pre-scouted


    • Not scouting matches
    • Didn't record matches
    • Scouting sheet on one computer
    • Only one scouting team

    Notes: While we did well with scouting, it could have gone off much better. We made some mistakes...

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    2017 North Texas Regional

    2017 North Texas Regional By Ethan, Evan, Jayesh, Charlotte, Tycho, Lin, Max, Darshan, and Janavi

    Task: Win the North Texas regionals

    Summary: We won

    On Febuary 25, we drove our RV to W.E. Pete Ford Middle School, in Allen, TX. The tournament was split into two divisions, and for many of our members, this was our first time encountering that layout. We didn't have any of our team members going to Dean's List interviews this time. We still didn't have an...

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    Judging and Awards

    Judging and Awards By Lin, Jayesh, Omar, Tycho, and Max

    Task: Increase chances to advance in judging

    In our competitions we really can't rely on our robot performing as well as it does in practice and our sparring matches with Imperial. If we're going to increase our chances of advancing from Regionals to Super-Regionals 90% of the time it's going to be from judging. We've always had rocky presentations in my opinion, but this year we're getting our energy...

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    Arkansas State Competition 2016

    Arkansas State Competition 2016 By Ethan, Evan, Lin, Janavi, Jayesh, Omar, Darshan, Max, and Tycho

    Task: Compete in the 2016 Arkansas State Competition

    This year, to give our team a better chance of going to super-regionals for the first time, we decided to enter the Arkansas regional. We were actually pretty far ahead compared to our last seasons. We had a finished robot, a working autonomous, and good drivers.

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    Adding Blog Features

    Adding Blog Features By Ethan

    Task: Add Cool and New Blog Features

    I remember, vaguely, that someone on our team wanted to add a post counter for all the posts people appear in. And, today, I did it out of sheer boredom. And, here it is.

    {% assign eh = 1 %}
    {% assign dc = 1 %}
    {% assign ed = 1 %}
    {% assign or = 1 %}
    {% assign js = 1 %}
    {% assign cr = 1 %}

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    Robotics UIL 2016

    Robotics UIL 2016 By Ethan, Evan, Lin, Darshan, Jayesh, Janavi, Trace, Max, Tycho, and Omar

    Task: Compete in UIL Robotics in Austin

    A bit of background:
    UIL is a Texas-specific organization that hosts competitions in both academic and athletic pursuits. This year, they ran a pilot program for Robotics, using the FTC rules and field from Res-Q. About 72 teams competed in the FTC-based competition, which then was split into two catagories. Unlike regular FIRST tournaments, the awards not earned by competition are given through nomination by other teams.

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    Post Writing Guide for Team Members

    Post Writing Guide for Team Members By Lin

    So as I've made changes to the blog I've realized that not everyone understands the little rules or guidelines I've made, but never quite explained. Following is a mock post, the content is a guide on what to put in each section.


    title: This should be a short descriptive heading for the post
    tags: [comma, separated, list] choose tags from this tag page as they are the only ones searchable. The tags are case-INsensitive, so they...
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    A Presentation for the Ages

    A Presentation for the Ages By Ethan, Jayesh, Max, Tycho, Lin, Omar, Evan, Alisa

    Task: Work on our presentation to the judges

    Our main weakness in previous years had been our presentation. This year, we plan to change that. When our team was solely FLL, we practiced our presentations beforehand, so, we're applying that to this year. We've done 2-3 presentations so far and it seems it really helps us. As well, we're making a powerpoint presentation to assist us, giving us information we might forget and providing a visual...

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    General Blog Improvements

    General Blog Improvements By Lin

    Task: Make blog more accessible and simpler to write for

    In a rough order, here are the things I've worked on in the blog over the past month or so:

    • Add a readable nav-bar and fix header text color
    • Add About page structure for new members to fill in
    • Resize a bunch of images to fit the 600 px width, and a couple that were too tall
    • Create tag-specific post pages
    • Make these tag pages Case-Insensitive so posters could tag "Design"...
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    Researching Awards

    Researching Awards By Lin

    Task: Research and understand the various awards

    We rarely prepare enough for awards, usually hoping the practice before that we've done enough to be in the running. Last year we won the PTC Creo award at one competition, but that was a one time deal. This year we can prepare our journal in such a way to make it easier for judges to find what they're looking for when deciding.


    Out of the 9 awards, 7 are given at every tournament....

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    Create a List of Blog Tags

    Create a List of Blog Tags By Lin

    Task: Make a list of tags for blog entries

    We've been tagging each blog post as we write them according to topics we think they fall into, but there's been no standard for what to choose from. For example, what I tag as "Mechanical" Omar tags as "Build." When we get some scripting done on the blog to separate according to topic we will need consistency between everybody.


    So far these are the tags chosen to represent main topics and types...

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    Labor Day Meeting

    Labor Day Meeting By Lin, Jayesh, Darshan, Alisa, Omar, Max, Tycho

    Task: Learn about OpModes

    Today, we reviewed opmodes in the FTC API and how to register new opmodes. We also learned about the differences between regular, linear and synchronous (from SwerveRobotics) opmodes.

    Task: Review Blogs/Journal

    Our Blog == our Journal. What we also did today was quickly review how to create blog entries so we can do that more frequently this year. We also tried to catch up on our lengthy backlog of journal articles. We were very busy...

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