Please help support our team! $40 buys a motor, $55 buys a new battery, $150 adds controllers and sensors, $500 pays tournament fees, $750 upgrades our chassis

Iron Reign

Welcome to Iron Reign at Dallas ISD's Science and Engineering Magnet

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Another Great Robotics Resource!

Another Great Robotics Resource! By Aarav

Recently, one of our readers, a girls STEM club, reached out to express their appreciation for our online blog and how they used it for their robotics research project. We’re really glad that people find the...

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First 2024-2025 Meeting

First 2024-2025 Meeting By Aarav, Anuhya, Sol, Elias, Jai, Krish, Nalin, Georgia, Ren, and Fernando

Today marked the first full program robotics meeting of the Into the Deep season. We had about 20 new recruits come into...

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Robot in 2 Days Gripper

Robot in 2 Days Gripper By Anuhya, Sol, and Fernando

One major component of the intake system we designed during robot in two days was a pincer gripper claw. Attached to a linear slide outtake, there is...

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Robot in 2 Days Code

Robot in 2 Days Code By Jai and Elias

Since we chose to build on the swerve platform that we developed over the summer, we needed to make some additions to the code for the swerve platform. The swerve module is built...

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Robot in 2 Days Chassis

Robot in 2 Days Chassis By Aarav, Anuhya, Sol, and Fernando

Robot in two days (Ri2D) is an ideation process Iron Reign goes through to explore the new seasons and brainstorm designs and ideas for the game....

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Townview Interest Meeting

Townview Interest Meeting By Anuhya, Sol, Elias, Jai, Krish, Aarav, and Nalin

Yesterday, we hosted our first interest meeting! We were able to introduce a lot of kids to robotics, and got a lot of new recruits...

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2024 Flyset Workshop

2024 Flyset Workshop By Anuhya, Jai, Aarav, Fernando, Sol, Alex, and Nalin

This past Saturday, we presented at the 10th annual Flyset Workshop, hosted by team 8565, TechnicBots and UTD.

We were given the opportunity...

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Code/Art Outreach Round 2

Code/Art Outreach Round 2 By Tanvi, Georgia, Anuhya, and Ren

On August 6th, we presented to Code/Art. Code/Art is a non-profit organization that introduces young women from underrepresented backgrounds to STEM. They specialize in teaching programming using...

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Kinwest Summer Robotics Camp

Kinwest Summer Robotics Camp By Anuhya, Aarav, Jai, Krish, Sol, Ren, Fernando, Elias, and Tanvi

These past three days, we hosted a Robotics camp focused on CAD and coding Lego Sumo robots at Kinwest Montessori, a school...

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Frontiers of Flight Moon Day Outreach

Frontiers of Flight Moon Day Outreach By Anuhya, Georgia, Alex, Tanvi, Fernando, Ren, Sol, Jai, Aarav, Krish, Bhanaviya, Darshan, and Jayesh

This past Saturday, we had a very fulfilling day at the 16th annual Moonday, honoring the...

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Girls in Robotics with Code/Art

Girls in Robotics with Code/Art By Tanvi, Georgia, Anuhya, and Ren

On Thursday, June 13, our robotics team presented a Girls in Robotics presentation to Code/Art. Code/Art is a non-profit organization that introduces young women from underrepresented...

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Applying Forward/Inverse Kinematics to Score with PPE

Applying Forward/Inverse Kinematics to Score with PPE By Elias and Alex

Task: Explain how we use kinematics to manipulate PixeLeviosa (our Outtake)

This year’s challenge led Iron Reign down a complex process of developing...

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Support for the FTC State Championship

Support for the FTC State Championship By Aarav and Anuhya

Iron Reign’s state bound! At NTX Regionals, we proudly got Inspire 3, and were the 5th advancement to FTC Texas UIL and the State Championship!...

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Meeting with a Program Management Director at Lockheed Martin

Meeting with a Program Management Director at Lockheed Martin By Anuhya, Sol, Krish, Elias, Alex, Nalin, Fernando, and Aarav

Task: Meet with the a professional from Lockheed Martin for advice

On March 8th we...

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2nd Meeting with the Director of R&D at HOYA

2nd Meeting with the Director of R&D at HOYA By Aarav, Anuhya, Sol, Krish, Jai, Elias, and Fernando

Today, we had our second meeting this season with the Director of R&D at Hoya, Abhi Patnaik....

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DPRG Presentation Review Meeting

DPRG Presentation Review Meeting By Aarav, Nalin, Anuhya, Elias, and Jai

Task: Meet with the DPRG and review our judging presentation

Today, Iron Reign mock-presented at the DPRG weekly meeting and received tons of valuable...

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Lessons We’ve Learned Switching from CAD to a Physical Model

Lessons We’ve Learned Switching from CAD to a Physical Model By Anuhya, Sol, Krish, and Fernando

Task: Overview the issues with PPE V3 and the changes that need to be made.

This past weekend, we...

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Meeting with the Stanford Salisburg Lab

Meeting with the Stanford Salisburg Lab By Aarav and Nalin

Task: Meet with the Salisbury Robotics Lab and discuss their work

Today, Iron Reign met with four members of the Salisbury Robotics Lab at Stanford...

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Mentoring FLL Teams at Sudie

Mentoring FLL Teams at Sudie By Tanvi, Georgia, and Fernando

Task: Help the Sudie L. Williams Academy FLL teams

Today, 3 Iron Reign team members met with three Sudie L. Williams FLL teams...

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U^2 Tournament Post-Mortem

U^2 Tournament Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

Task: Analyze our performance at the U^2 Tournament

After we advanced to Regionals by winning Inspire 2, we sat down as a team and discussed our...

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U^2 Tournament Play-By-Play

U^2 Tournament Play-By-Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

Task: Review our performance at the U^2 Tournament

Today, Iron Reign competed in our U^2 League Tournament. We won Think...

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Meeting with the Director of the Dallas College STEM Institute

Meeting with the Director of the Dallas College STEM Institute By Georgia, Anuhya, Sol, Aarav, Krish, Alex, and Jai

Task: Meet with the Dallas College STEM Institute

Today, we met with Dr. Jason Treadway,...

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Meeting with the Director of R&D at Hoya

Meeting with the Director of R&D at Hoya By Tanvi, Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, and Alex

Task: Meet with the Director of R&D at HOYA

Today, Iron Reign met with the Director of R&D at...

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League Meet 3 Post-Mortem

League Meet 3 Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

Task: Analyze our performance at our 3rd League Meet

After our performance at Meet 3, Iron Reign sat down as a team and discussed what...

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League Meet 3 Play-By-Play

League Meet 3 Play-By-Play By Anuhya, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

Task: Review our performance at our 3rd League Meet

Today, Iron Reign had its third league meet. It was more successful than our last league meet,...

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Meet Our Field Class

Meet Our Field Class By Jai and Alex

Task: Explain how we map the field and use it in our code

A huge focus this season has been navigation; each scoring sequence spans the...

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Positioning Algorithms

Positioning Algorithms By Jai and Alex

Task: Determine the robot’s position on the field with little to no error

With the rigging and the backdrops being introduced as huge obstacles to pathing this year,...

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Mentoring FLL Teams

Mentoring FLL Teams By Georgia, Sol, and Alex

Task: Help the Sudie L. Williams Academy FLL teams

Today we met with four FLL teams at Sudie L. Williams TAG Academy: the Code-iators (11978),...

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Portfolio Workshop with 9161 from Aledo, TX

Portfolio Workshop with 9161 from Aledo, TX By Tanvi, Aarav, and Anuhya

Task: Give portfolio tips to 9161 Overload

Today, Iron Reign held a portfolio workshop for team 9161 Overload from Aledo, TX....

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League Meet 2 Post-Mortem

League Meet 2 Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

Task: Analyze our performance at our 2nd League Meet

After our performance at Meet 2, Iron Reign sat down as a team and discussed what...

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League Meet 2 Play-By-Play

League Meet 2 Play-By-Play By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

Task: Review our performance at our 2nd League Meet

Today, Iron Reign has its second league meet. It was, in general, a helpful experience and a...

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Explaining Drone Launcher V1

Explaining Drone Launcher V1 By Tanvi and Aarav

Task: Explain how we arrived at our current drone launcher design

The first iteration of the drone launcher is a simple servo-powered elastic launcher that is...

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League Meet 1 Post-Mortem

League Meet 1 Post-Mortem By Aarav, Krish, Jai, Sol, Tanvi, Alex, Vance, Georgia, and Anuhya

Task: Analyze our performance at our 1st League Meet

After Meet 1, Iron Reign met to discuss their performance as a team and make plans...

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League Meet 1 Review

League Meet 1 Review By Anuhya, Vance, Sol, Georgia, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, and Aarav

Task: Review our performance at our first league meet!

Today was our first league meet, which means all our wins, losses, overall...

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AWS Solutions Architect Connect Meeting

AWS Solutions Architect Connect Meeting By Aarav, Krish, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, and Georgia

Task: Get Advice from a AWS Solutions Architect

Today, 6 members of Iron Reign virtually connected with Bilal, an Amazon Web...

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Woodrow Scrimmage Presentations

Woodrow Scrimmage Presentations By Aarav, Jai, Vance, Krish, Sol, Alex, Tanvi, Anuhya, and Georgia

Task: Share our Portfolio Advice and Summer Adventures with other Teams

Today, at the Woodrow Scrimmage, in addition to participating...

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Scrimmage Review

Scrimmage Review By Anuhya, Vance, Alex, Sol, Georgia, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, and Aarav

Task: Review our performance at the first scrimmage of the season

Earlier today, we had our first scrimmage at Woodrow Wilson! This was...

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10/7/23 Meeting Log

10/7/23 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Tanvi, Sol, Vance, and Jai

Assemble and Test our Pixel Intake System

Today, Iron Reign focused on turning our ideas and designs on CAD into real-life prototypes in preparation for our first scrimmage on...

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Solar Prep for Girls Recruitment

Solar Prep for Girls Recruitment By Sol and Vance

Task: Recruit Future Members at Solar Preparatory for Girls

Today, Iron Reign members Sol and Vance represented Iron Reign at a recruiting event at Solar Prep...

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9/30/23 Meeting Log

9/30/23 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Tanvi, Georgia, Vance, Krish, Jai, and Alex

Task: Start prototyping our robot

Today, Iron Reign continued working on designing and prototyping our robot in preparation for scrimmages and our initial meets. We began working on...

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9/23/23 Meeting Log

9/23/23 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Krish, Tanvi, Vance, and Alex

Task: Prepare R2V2 for Filming and begin Designing Subsystems

Today, Iron Reign had an extended meeting to focus on preparing R2V2 for video production and to start designing and...

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CenterStage Introductory Meeting & 9/16 Meeting Log

CenterStage Introductory Meeting & 9/16 Meeting Log By Aarav, Anuhya, Krish, Tanvi, Sol, Alex, Vance, and Georgia

Task: Welcome Recruits to the Workshop and begin Robot Ideation

Today, Iron Reign hosted our introductory meeting for...

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DPRG Meeting Presentations

DPRG Meeting Presentations By Aarav and Anuhya

Task: Share R2V2 and Ri2D with mentors at DPRG

Throughout this month, Iron Reign has been presenting its recent work at DPRG(Dallas Personal Robotics Group) meetings on Tuesday evenings. On August 22nd, Iron Reign...

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Center Stage Robot in 2 Days(Ri2D) Overview

Center Stage Robot in 2 Days(Ri2D) Overview By Aarav, Anuhya, Krish, Sol, Tanvi, and Alex

Task: Build, Code, Test, and Film our Center Stage Ri2D

This blog post...

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Center Stage Game Reveal and Ri2D Day 1

Center Stage Game Reveal and Ri2D Day 1 By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Sol, Tanvi, and Alex

Task: Assess the Center Stage Game and begin Ri2D

Today, Iron Reign attended the season reveal for the new...

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FTC Dashboard Field Versatility Update

FTC Dashboard Field Versatility Update By Jai and Alex

Task: Update FTC Dashboard to better suit our needs

During our PowerPlay season, we used FTC Dashboard extensively. However, because of some suboptimal code and some...

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An Overview of the R2V2 Steering Wheel

An Overview of the R2V2 Steering Wheel By Anuhya, Vance, Trey, Leo, Alex, and Jai

Task: Design a subsystem to control the steering wheel of R2V2

One of the main components of our...

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An Overview of the R2V2 Braking System

An Overview of the R2V2 Braking System By Aarav, Tanvi, Krish, Sol, and Gabriel

Task: Design a subsystem to control the braking of R2V2

An essential part of effectively remote controlling R2V2 is the developing...

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Flyset - R2V2 and Dashboard

Flyset - R2V2 and Dashboard By Anuhya, Jai, Krish, Alex, and Sol

Task: Give presentations at Flyset about progress made this summer

This weekend, we participated in the FlySet workshop, graciously hosted by team 8565, TechnicBots. We gave two presentations: one...

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Iron Reign’s R2V2 - Safety Features and Protocols

Iron Reign’s R2V2 - Safety Features and Protocols By Coach

Let's robotify this!

What if you took an RV, converted it into a mobile learning lab, and then turned that into a droid? What would you call it?...

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Recruiting at Flight School

Recruiting at Flight School By Aarav, Anuhya, Tanvi, Jai, and Georgia

Task: Recruit new members at the TAG Flight School

Today, Iron Reign presented at TAG’s Flight School in order to recruit new members in preparation for the upcoming season to...

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Frontiers of Flight Moon Day Outreach

Frontiers of Flight Moon Day Outreach By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Jai, Tanvi, Leo, Arun, Sol, Alex, Paul, Ben B, and Bhanaviya

Today, Iron Reign presented at the 15th annual Frontiers of Flight Museum “Moon Day” celebration, meant to...

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How To Get Your Daughter (or Son) Started in Robotics

How To Get Your Daughter (or Son) Started in Robotics By Anuhya

FIRST Robotics is an incredible opportunity for kids of all ages to get involved in STEM! It starts with FIRST Lego League (FLL), which...

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FTC World Championship 2023

FTC World Championship 2023 By Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Trey, Gabriel, Vance, Leo, Tanvi, Georgia, Krish, Arun, Aarav, and Sol

Our Experience This Year at Worlds

Over this past week, we had our final preparations for the FTC...

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Scrimmage Before Worlds

Scrimmage Before Worlds By Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Trey, Gabriel, Vance, and Leo

Attending a Final Scrimmage Before Worlds

Today, we attended a scrimmage that team 8565, Technic Bots, graciously invited us to. The point of this scrimmage was to get some...

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Consequences of Removing the Shoulder Support Spring

Consequences of Removing the Shoulder Support Spring By Anuhya, Trey, Leo, Gabriel, and Vance

We learned the consequences of making small changes to build without fully knowing the outcome

A small change can make a huge difference: we have...

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Meeting Log 4/9

Meeting Log 4/9 By Georgia, Sol, Trey, and Leo

Task: Prepare for Worlds through Build and Drive

Today, we did drive practice, and worked out some of the smaller issues with transfer.

While doing robot testing, the servo on...

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Meeting Log 4/1

Meeting Log 4/1 By Sol, Georgia, Trey, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, Krish, Tanvi, Jai, Vance, Alex, and Aarav

Task: Gripper Redesign and Build Fixes

Trey redesigned the gripper stopper on the underarm to limit the degrees of movement so that the underarm...

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Texas State and UIL Championship Post-Mortem

Texas State and UIL Championship Post-Mortem By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Leo, Vance, Alex, Krish, Jai, and Tanvi

Discuss the events of Regionals, analyze our performance, and prepare future plans

This weekend, Iron Reign participated in the FTC...

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UIL and State Play-by-Play

UIL and State Play-by-Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Tanvi, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, Arun, and Krish

Review the events of the UIL and FTC State Championships

This past week we participated in the...

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Meeting Log 3/3

Meeting Log 3/3 By Jai, Anuhya, Aarav, Alex, Tanvi, Georgia, Gabriel, Sol, Trey, Krish, Arun, Vance, and Leo

Task: Plan and strategize for the Road to State

Finally back from a much-needed break after regionals, the team got back...

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Meeting with the Head of the Dallas College STEM Institute

Meeting with the Head of the Dallas College STEM Institute By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Arun, Jai, Krish, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Gabriel

Task: Meet with the Dallas College STEM Institute

Today, team 6832 met...

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NTX Regionals Post-Mortem

NTX Regionals Post-Mortem By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Alex, Krish, and Jai

Discuss the events of Regionals, analyze our performance, and prepare future plans

This past Saturday, team 6832 Iron Reign participated in the NTX Regionals Championship...

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NTX Regionals Play-by-Play

NTX Regionals Play-by-Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Sol, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, Arun, and Krish

Review the events of the NTX Regional

Today, Iron Reign participated at the NTX Regional Championship in Flower...

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Meeting Log 2/21

Meeting Log 2/21 By Jai, Anuhya, Vance, Leo, Gabriel, and Georgia

Regionals Prep: Work on Build, Code, and Presentation

With regionals just 4 days away, we had a lot to work on for TauBot2. Today,...

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Meeting Log 2/18

Meeting Log 2/18 By Alex, Anuhya, Sol, Gabriel, Aarav, Jai, Leo, David D, Georgia, and Krish

Task: Regional Prep, Portfolio Development, Underarm Wiring and new Shoulder and Turret Assembly

To start we began to...

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Meeting Log 2/17

Meeting Log 2/17 By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, Alex, Tanvi, Georgia, Gabriel, and Krish

Work on build, code, and presentation in preparation for Regionals next week.

With the Regional competition coming up quite soon, we needed to get to work...

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UnderArm Inverse Kinematics

UnderArm Inverse Kinematics By Jai, Vance, Alex, Aarav, and Krish

Task: Implement Inverse Kinematics on the UnderArm

Inverse kinematics is the process of finding the joint variables needed for a kinematic chain to reach a specified endpoint. In the...

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A Deep Dive into the Shoulder and UnderArm

A Deep Dive into the Shoulder and UnderArm By Aarav, Anuhya, and Krish

Describe our Implementation of the Shoulder and Turret Subsystems

With our primary game strategy for this season being to limit our movement around the playing field,...

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Meeting Log 2/11

Meeting Log 2/11 By Jai, Anuhya, Arun, Sol, David D, Georgia, Vance, Gabriel, Aarav, Alex, Tanvi, Leo, and Krish

Task: Continue to assemble TauBot2, work on portfolio, and prepare for Regionals

First off, we...

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Meeting Log 2/10

Meeting Log 2/10 By Tanvi, Sol, Gabriel, Trey, and Alex

Task: Attend to TauBot2 and transfer knowledge to the new recruits

Today was another day of onboarding recruits. For the next few weeks, along...

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Sudie Academy FLL Team Mentorship

Sudie Academy FLL Team Mentorship By Aarav, Georgia, Jai, Arun, Gabriel, and Sol

Task: Help the Sudie Academy FLL teams prep for Regionals

Today, Iron Reign attended a meeting with multiple local FLL teams...

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Dallas ISD Stem Expo

Dallas ISD Stem Expo By Sol, Georgia, Tanvi, Jai, David D, Arun, Anuhya, Vance, Trey, Gabriel, Alex, Aarav, Leo, and Krish

Task: Motivate the community at the DISD Stem Expo

Today we hosted a...

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CONNECTing with Professionals at the DISD Stem Expo

CONNECTing with Professionals at the DISD Stem Expo By Aarav, Anuhya, Jai, and Georgia

Task: Explore Possible Connection Opportunities at the DISD STEM Expo

Today, Iron Reign presented at the DISD Stem Expo in the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention...

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Meeting Log 2/3

Meeting Log 2/3 By Jai, Aarav, Anuhya, Leo, Trey, Georgia, Vance, Gabriel, Alex, Sol, Tanvi, and David D

Task: Onboarding New Recruits, Organization, CAM, and Connect

Today we onboarded most of the new recruits...

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D&U League Tournament Post Mortem

D&U League Tournament Post Mortem By Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Aarav

Task: Discuss the events of our first tournament of the season

Team 6832, Iron Reign, and our sister teams, Iron Core and Iron Giant had...

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D&U Tournament Play by Play

D&U Tournament Play by Play By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, Vance, and Trey

Task: Narrate the events of the D&U Tournament

Today, Iron Reign and our two sister teams competed in the D&U League Tournament...

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Overview of the past 3 weeks

Overview of the past 3 weeks By Anuhya, Aarav, Leo, Vance, Trey, Gabriel, and Georgia

Task: Recount the developments made to the robot in the past 3 weeks

The past three weeks have been...

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League Meet #3 Review

League Meet #3 Review By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, Vance, Trey, and Georgia

Task: Review our performance at the 3rd League Meet and discuss possible next steps

Today, Iron Reign and our two sister teams...

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Presenting to DPRG

Presenting to DPRG By Anuhya, Trey, Leo, Gabriel, and Vance

Task: Present a status update to Dallas Personal Robotics Group

You can watch our full presentation here. Today was our second meeting with Read More

Meeting Log 1/6

Meeting Log 1/6 By Aarav, Anuhya, and Georgia

Task: Documentation and CAD

Today,we focused mainly on documentation and the continued CAD for the next iteration of TauBot. We worked on the outreach and Motivate sections of the Engineering Portfolio...

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Meeting Log 01/04

Meeting Log 01/04 By Georgia, Anuhya, and Leo

Task: Build and CAD

Today we focused on building and modeling our second iteration of Toubot. After designing and cutting out the parts for the underarm on the CNC we began...

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Meeting Log 12/30

Meeting Log 12/30 By Georgia, Leo, and Gabriel

Task: Driver Practice!

Recently, Vance implemented a new control scheme : scoring patterns. This required some changes to the way the cone is “transported” throughout the field when the driver operated,...

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Virtual DPRG Meeting 12/17

Virtual DPRG Meeting 12/17 By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, and Leo

Task: Present TauBot to the Dallas Personal Robotics Group

Today, we virtually presented...

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Townview Tournament

Townview Tournament By Gabriel, Georgia, Anuhya, Trey, and Leo

Hosting the Townview Tournament

This Saturday marked the First Tournament of the season, and with it came the opportunity for us to host the event at...
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Meeting Log 12/06

Meeting Log 12/06 By Georgia, Anuhya, Leo, Vance, and Gabriel

Task: Improving code

Today we tuned auton, implemented inverse kinematics, and made driver controls more user friendly.

We implemented inverse kinematics with driver...

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League Meet #2 Post Mortem

League Meet #2 Post Mortem By Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Aarav

Task: review the progression of matches in our latest League Meet

Team 6832, Iron Reign, and our sister teams, Iron Core...

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Meeting Log 12/02

Meeting Log 12/02 By Georgia, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, and Vance

Task: Prepare for Our Second League Meet

Today we worked on finishing the nudge stick and auton code, along with doing driver practice and other preparations for the upcoming...

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Meeting Log 11/29

Meeting Log 11/29 By Georgia, Anuhya, Gabriel, and Vance

Task: Code and Build Before League Meet

We partially remade the joint that connects the extension part of the crane to the turret, as we found that under high stress...

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Meeting Log 11/26

Meeting Log 11/26 By Georgia, Gabriel, and Leo

Task: Build, Modeling, and Drive Practice for Upcoming League Meet

We spent today's meeting fixing minor build problems, then ran timed practice matches. Additionally, we started modeling the prototype for the...

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Code Progess for November

Code Progess for November By Vance and David

April Tags

This year, using FTC 6547's tutorial on april tags, we developed a system to detect which parking location we should park in. The april tag...
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Meeting Log 11/19

Meeting Log 11/19 By Georgia, Aarav, Gabriel, Trey, Leo, and Vance

Task: Drive Practice and Improving Code

Today, we spent time improving upon the code by fixing the odometry and fine tuning it, along with...
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Meeting Log 11/18

Meeting Log 11/18 By Gabriel, Trey, and Vance

1. Fix Issues from the Last Meet
2. Build Upon our Current Strategy
2. Continue to Develop TauBot 2.0

The League Meet was a rude awakening for...

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1st League Meet - Post Mortem

1st League Meet - Post Mortem By Georgia, Aarav, Gabriel, Leo, Trey, Vance, and David

1. Review 1st League Meet
2. Analyze 1st League Meet Performance
3. Discuss Possible Fixes + Next Steps

Play By Play


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Meeting Log 11/11

Meeting Log 11/11 By Gabriel, Vance, Aarav, David, and Georgia

Task: Finalizing the Robot the Day Before Competition

The day before a competition always sees arguably the most productivity from all the teams in a rush to finish up...

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Meeting Log 11/10

Meeting Log 11/10 By Georgia, Gabriel, Leo, Vance, Trey, and David

Task: Finishing Code for Upcoming Meet and Drive Practice

We fixed the turret heading PID so that it does not spin uncontrollably when the angle changes from 359...

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Meeting Log 11/8

Meeting Log 11/8 By Gabriel and Leo

Task: Preparing the Robot for the Upcoming League Meet

General Fixes:

The LED battery holder from the previous meeting snapped, requiring us to rebend and make a new gate for the LED...

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Meeting Log 11/5

Meeting Log 11/5 By Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Georgia

Task: Fixing Issues from the Screamage Pt.2

In tandem with yesterday, the main goal of this meeting was to improve upon the robot after the Screamage. This consisted of...

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Meeting Log 11/4

Meeting Log 11/4 By Gabriel, Trey, and David

Task: Fixing Issues from the Screamage

After the Screamage, many different problems became apparent, including the fact that the robot just barely fit sizing requirements. In order to combat this, we...

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October 29th Screamage Overview

October 29th Screamage Overview By Georgia, Aarav, Anuhya, Trey, Gabriel, and Leo

Screamage at Marcus High School Overview

Today, Iron Reign attended the Screamage at Marcus High School to play a couple of practice matches. This event...

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Meeting Log 10/22

Meeting Log 10/22 By Georgia, Aarav, Gabriel, Leo, Trey, Anuhya, Aarav, and David

Task: Drive Practice and Getting Code to Work

Today was mainly focused on getting proper drive practice and getting the path following for the April Tags...

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Overall Progress From the Past Two Weeks

Overall Progress From the Past Two Weeks By Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, and David

1. Working on path following with Code
2. Creating prototypes to optimize the Build design
3. Gaining experience with 3D Modeling using Fusion 360

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Think Robot Ideation - TallBot

Think Robot Ideation - TallBot By Aarav, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, and Leo

Task: Design and Think about possible robot ideas after Ri2D

After Robot in 2...

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Meeting Log 9/24

Meeting Log 9/24 By Aarav, Anuhya, Georgia, Gabriel, Trey, and Leo

1. Game strategy 2. Tombot as sparring partner. 3. Gripper Designs. 4. New recruit build teams.

Game Strategy

Iron Reign engaged in an exercise...
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Robot in 2 Days

Robot in 2 Days By Anuhya, Aarav, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, Trey, and Leo

Our First Ideas: Robot in 2 Days!

Our Ideas with Build

As a base robot, we started with an 18 inch cubic frame. This...

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Season Reveal

Season Reveal By Anuhya, Aarav, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, and Trey

The Season Reveal of 2022-2023's Game: Power Play!

Today was the season's official kick off the 2022-2023 game, Power Play! However, Gabriel, one of our members, gave...

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Interest Meeting

Interest Meeting By Anuhya, Aarav, Georgia, Gabriel, Vance, Leo, and Trey

Our Interest Meeting at TMC

To gain more members for our sister teams, Team 15373, Iron Core, and Team 3734, Pandemonium, we held an interest meeting...

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FLYSET Workshop

FLYSET Workshop By Anuhya, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Aarav

Task: Give a presentation at the FLYSET Workshop

At the FLYSET Workshop, hosted by team 8565, Technicbots, and team 20313, Mustang Robotics, we were tasked with introducing...

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Recruiting at Flight School

Recruiting at Flight School By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Leo, and Georgia

Task: Recruit new members at the TAG Flight School

Earlier this afternoon, at TAG's flight school event for new freshmen, Iron Reign had a club booth for all the new...

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Dallas City of Learning at Frontiers of Flight

Dallas City of Learning at Frontiers of Flight By Aarav, Anuhya, Gabriel, Trey, Vance, Leo, and Georgia

Task: Connecting with the communoity through the Frontiers of Flight

This morning, Iron Reign demoed at the Dallas City Learning event at...

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Designing the New Workshop

Designing the New Workshop By Aarav and Anuhya

Task: Design a floorplan and model for the new workshop

With the limits of our current workspace reached and the need to expand with more recruits and machinery; Iron Reign set off on...

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Iron Reign’s Mechavator - Safety Features and Protocols

Iron Reign’s Mechavator - Safety Features and Protocols By Gabriel and Trey

Let's not do this!

Intrinsic Hazards and Safeties
Primary Safety
Backup Safety
Site Safety
Operational Safety

Intrinsic Hazards and Safeties

Intrinsic Hazards

It’s important...

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Last Practice Before UIL!

Last Practice Before UIL! By Anuhya, Georgia, Bhanaviya, Ben, Mahesh, Gabriel, Aarav, Trey, Shawn, and Leo

Our Last Meeting Before UIL!

This marks our final competition of the Freight Frenzy season.

Getting in our final drive...

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Meeting Log 4/2

Meeting Log 4/2 By Anuhya, Georgia, Aarav, Bhanaviya, Mahesh, Trey, Gabriel, Ben, Anisha, Vance, and Shawn

Task: Solve minor issues with the robot’s design and code. More drive practice in preparation for the UIL Championship next week.

With only one week...

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CONNECTions through the season

CONNECTions through the season By Anuhya, Bhanaviya, Shawn, and Ben

Task: Getting in some serious drive practice at Woodrow

This past year, we connected with a lot of professional engineers that helped us optimize our robot performance and capabilities. We...

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Think Gripper Progression

Think Gripper Progression By Vance

Gripper Progression


Our first gripper design was for robot in 2 days and with the time crunch came some downsides: little power and poor reach. Our second design intended to fix...

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Meeting Log 4/01

Meeting Log 4/01 By Vance, Georgia, Trey, Gabriel, Bhanaviya, Leo, and Mahesh

Task: Replace Crane Servo with a Motor

After six broken servos amounting to around 240 dollars worth of funding, it became apparent that the current model of servo we...

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Meeting Log 3/29

Meeting Log 3/29 By Anuhya, Georgia, Trey, Gabriel, Ben, Cooper, and Paul

Task: Getting in some serious drive practice at Woodrow

We took some time out of our week to get in some drive practice at Woodrow so we...

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Meeting Log 3/26

Meeting Log 3/26 By Anuhya, Georgia, Bhanaviya, Leo, Gabriel, Aarav, Ben, Shawn, and Mahesh

Task: Work on teamwork with drive practice for the UIL Championship

This weekend, we worked on giving the new recruits a basic understanding of HTML...

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Solving Tipping Issues in The Reach

Solving Tipping Issues in The Reach By Aarav, Shawn, Mahesh, and Bhanaviya

Task-Identify and solve the problems that led to The Reach tipping over mid-match.

Our robot, The Reach, utilizes a hybrid-differential swerve drive along with an extending design...

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Repairing ‘Reach’

Repairing ‘Reach’ By Gabriel

Task: Fix issues found by Drive Practice in the robot

To better prepare for UIL, we have started using Driver Practice to find issues that would’ve impacted the robot performance at the competition. Within the first 15...

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Meeting Log 3/19

Meeting Log 3/19 By Anuhya, Georgia, Aarav, Bhanaviya, Mahesh, Trey, and Gabriel

Task: Get more drive practice before the UIL Championship

This weekend, we focused on on-boarding new recruits as well as getting more drive practice to get us...

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Hybrid Swerve Drive Progression

Hybrid Swerve Drive Progression By Georgia, Shawn, Trey, and Bhanaviya

Task: Fix issues found by Drive Practice in the robot

Iron Reign has seen several dIfferent iterations of our swerve module this past season. In this post we’ve identified the different...

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Iron Reign and the Three Magnets

Iron Reign and the Three Magnets By Bhanaviya and Georgia

Task: Evaluating what magnet type works best with the FFUTSE and bucket attraction

FFUTSES with magnets mounted

Iron Reign has its final event of the season, the UIL championship,...

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Meeting Log 3/12

Meeting Log 3/12 By Trey and Leo

Task: Decreasing the Movement of Linear Slides During Expansions

The continuous expansion and contraction of the robot placed a lot of stress on the mounting gear attaching the slides directly to the chassis. With...

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Deriving Maximum Chassis Length On Turns

Deriving Maximum Chassis Length On Turns By Mahesh and Cooper

Task: Derive The Maximum Chassis Length On Turns

Having a chassis able to elongate and contract during play poses its advantages and drawbacks. If properly used, the chassis...

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Deriving Inverse Kinematics For The Drivetrain

Deriving Inverse Kinematics For The Drivetrain By Mahesh, Cooper, and Ben

Task: Derive Inverse Kinematics For The Drivetrain

Due to having an unconventential drivetrain consisting of two differental wheels and a third swerve wheel, it is crucial that...

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Flyset Workshop Vision Presentation

Flyset Workshop Vision Presentation By Mahesh

Task: Deliver a Presentation Over Developing Vision Pipelines At The Flyset Workshop

This Saturday, we had the oppurtunity to present at the Flyset workshop, an event in which multiple teams could present a topic of...

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Chassis Brainstorming

Chassis Brainstorming By Trey, Cooper, and Shawn

Task: Build a robot that can be adapted to any challenge

The new challenge is upon us and with a new challenge comes new robot designs. This year we have found that we are...

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Code Cleanup

Code Cleanup By Cooper and Mahesh

Task: prepare code-wise for robot in three days

To better prepare for “robot in three days” (ri3d for short), we decided to get ahead a bit and resuscitate the code base. After making sure everything...

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A Prerequisite Chassis to Robot In 3 Days

A Prerequisite Chassis to Robot In 3 Days By Trey, Cooper, and Aaron

Task: Build a robot that can be adapted to any challenge

The challenge reveal is going to be quite soon. In the weeks leading up...

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Future Plans For Programming

Future Plans For Programming By Mahesh

Task: Plan Out Changes To Codebase and Use New Libraries/Hardware

This season, we plan to utilize the PAA5100JE Near Optical Flow Sensor (left image) and Realsense...

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Club Fair 2021-2022

Club Fair 2021-2022 By Bhanaviya

Task: Welcome New Recruits!

Thank you for your interest in Iron Reign robotics! Please fill out the following interest form. Check out the rest of this article for more on our robot!


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Wattever Meeting

Wattever Meeting By Trey, Anisha, Bhanaviya, Shawn, Ben, Mahesh, and Cooper

Task: Meet with the team Wattever and give insight

This Saturday, all of Iron Reign met with team 16296, Wattever, to discuss how the Iron Reign robotics program...

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Recruitment in Senior Season 2021

Recruitment in Senior Season 2021 By Bhanaviya

Task: Decide plans for expansion and recruitment strategies

For the first time in 11 years, Iron Reign had a no-recruitment year, owing to the pandemic, and the difficulty...

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UTD Qualifier Build Post Mortem

UTD Qualifier Build Post Mortem By Trey

Task: Review our failure of rushed build leading up to the UTD qualifier

As discussed in the post "Making the Ringevator Legal" there was a lot of rushed build leading up...

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Making the Ringevator Legal

Making the Ringevator Legal By Trey and Paul

Task: Make the Ringevator legal so we can use it in competition

We’re at the point now where we have a lot of our systems ready to...

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Ringevator Overview

Ringevator Overview By Trey

Task: Describe the construction and development of the Ringevator intake

This year we have done a lot of work on intakes and launchers. The purpose of this post is to...

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Morph Chart

Morph Chart By Bhanaviya and Ben

Task: Create a flow chart to analyze all our intake designs so far in this season.

Iron Reign has seen several iterations of our intake over this...

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A Lot to Intake

A Lot to Intake By Paul

Task: Prepare the intake before the qualifier

At today's meeting, Paul worked on the ringevator, with the guidance from Mr. V. The intake mechanism required a motor to be installed,...

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Accounting For Offsets And Launching In Motion

Accounting For Offsets And Launching In Motion By Mahesh

Task: Build A Forward Kinematic Model Of The Robot To Account For Turret And Muzzle Offsets, And Counter-Lead The Target To Allow For Launching In Motion

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A Lot to Intake

A Lot to Intake By Paul

Task: Prepare the intake before the qualifier

Today’s meet consisted of Cooper working on code, Paul burning polycarb, and Trey working on the intake with Paul. We were able to...

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Control Mapping

Control Mapping By Bhanaviya, Mahesh, and Cooper

Task: Map and test controls

With our first qualifier being a week away, Proteus (our robot) needs to be in drive testing phase. So, we started out by mapping...

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Achieving Continuous Targeting and Launching

Achieving Continuous Targeting and Launching By Mahesh and Cooper

Task: Achieve Continuous Targeting and Automatic Launching

With the goal of having the turret continuously aim towards the goal, the elbow tilt to the correct...

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Ringslinger 9000 Step-by-Step Guide

Ringslinger 9000 Step-by-Step Guide By Anisha, Paul, Trey, and Cooper

Task: assemble different intake prototypes

The Ringslinger 9000 is a crucial part of the robot and requires careful planning to build. Although we have a relatively...

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Adding Margins Of Error To Desmos

Adding Margins Of Error To Desmos By Mahesh

Task: Add Margins Of Error To The Desmos Calculator

In order to visually represent the significance of placing the constraints we did, we modified our desmos...

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Meeting Log

Meeting Log By Ben, Bhanaviya, Cooper, Jose, and Trey

Task: Prepare the portfolio and intake before the qualifier

The three of us worked on the engineering portfolio, discussing what we needed to get done in these 3 weeks between now...

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Accounting For Initial Height

Accounting For Initial Height By Mahesh

Task: Account For Initial Height

In the previous trajectory calculations post, "Derive And Translate Trajectory Calculations Into Code", we did not take into account how the length of the launcher would effect...

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Ring Launcher 9000 On-Bot Testing

Ring Launcher 9000 On-Bot Testing By Cooper and Jose

Task: Test the intake now that it is on the robot

Today we performed proper field testing of the Launcher subsystem. While we have done many tests in the past...

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RingSlinger 9000 Summary

RingSlinger 9000 Summary By Jose

Task: Summarize the key components of Ring Launcher 9000

A ring launcher is more than just a flywheel; it needs a barrel to give the ring a path to move through. A 90 degree...

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Materials Test Planning

Materials Test Planning By Bhanaviya

Task: Create a system to test our materials to better understand their grip potential

Here at Iron Reign, we're used to using off-the-shelf materials for our robot. For this season,...

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Intake Iterations Summary

Intake Iterations Summary By Bhanaviya and Ben

Task: Go over our 5 intake iterations

This season, we experimented with 5 gripper models - both for our robot in three days project and for our competition bot. While...

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DPRG Virtual Meeting 2/9

DPRG Virtual Meeting 2/9 By Bhanaviya and Mahesh

Task: Present our flywheel launcher to the Dallas Personal Robotics Group

2 weeks ago, Iron...

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Pink v. Cyan Remote Scrimmage Post Mortem

Pink v. Cyan Remote Scrimmage Post Mortem By Cooper and Jose

Task: review the progression of matches in our latest scrimmage

We participated in the “Pink v....

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Programming Session 1/31

Programming Session 1/31 By Mahesh and Cooper

Task: Set up FTC Dashboard

We wanted to setup FTC Dashboard for graphing, configuration, vision, and later on, odometry. FTC Dashboard enables graphing of numeric variables, which can simplify PID tuning...

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Build Progress 1/30

Build Progress 1/30 By Trey, Justin, and Jose

Task: assemble different intake prototypes

Today we worked on different intake systems to place the rings in the launcher. We finished our first prototype for a belt type intake and lift....

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Derive And Translate Trajectory Calculations Into Code

Derive And Translate Trajectory Calculations Into Code By Mahesh, Cooper, Shawn, Ben, Bhanaviya, and Jose

Task: Derive And Translate Trajectory Calculations Into Code

To ease the work put on the drivers, we wanted to...

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Correcting the Trajectory Calculations Equations

Correcting the Trajectory Calculations Equations By Bhanaviya, Ben, and Mahesh

Task: Correct the trajectory calculations after the DPRG meeting

In the past week, we've been experimenting with a series of equations to derive the angle...

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New Addtions to the Elbow

New Addtions to the Elbow By Jose

Task: Design new parts to better mount the ring launcher and encoder

First thing to do in this CAD session is to design a secondary mounting point for the ring launcher. To...

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RingSlinger 9000 Build Progress

RingSlinger 9000 Build Progress By Paul and Cooper

Task: Build and prototype the Flywheel Launcher

For this years new season we used an innovative flywheel-based...

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DPRG Virtual Meeting

DPRG Virtual Meeting By Bhanaviya, Jose, Trey, Paul, and Cooper

Task: Present our flywheel launcher to the Dallas Personal Robotics Group

Every year, Iron Reign presents our robot or standout subsystems to the Dallas Personal...

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Iterate Trajectory Calculations in Preparation for DPRG Meet

Iterate Trajectory Calculations in Preparation for DPRG Meet By Bhanaviya, Mahesh, and Ben

Task: Improve the Trajectory Calculations

As mentioned in our earlier posts, one of the biggest control challenges we face in this...

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Ring Launcher CAD Meet 4

Ring Launcher CAD Meet 4 By Jose

Task: Finalize the ring launcher design

The main thing here is a huge wall on the left to guide rings to their resting position at the back of the ring launcher. But...

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Ring Launcher CAD Meet 3

Ring Launcher CAD Meet 3 By Jose

Task: Expand the ring launcher to begin accomadating for a controlled system of firing the rings

The first step in accomplishing this task is to expand the center aluminum plate to almost...

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Code Changes Leading up to the PvC Scrimmage

Code Changes Leading up to the PvC Scrimmage By Cooper

Task: Finalize code changes prior to the PvC scrimmage

Leading up to the scrimmage, many code changes happened, mostly in the area of auton. To start, I tried to run 10...

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Updating Proteus' model

Updating Proteus' model By Bhanaviya and Jose

Task: Update the model to plan TomBot's build

With our first qualifier being around a month away, Iron Reign is currently in the midst of trying to...

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1/16 Build Progress - The first rings fly

1/16 Build Progress - The first rings fly By Trey, Cooper, Aaron, Paul, Bhanaviya, and Jose

Task: Continue developing the ring launcher and do preliminary testing

Today we continued to further...

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Presentation Prep-Run

Presentation Prep-Run By Anisha and Bhanaviya

Task: Practice the presentation prior to the PvC Scrimmage on Saturday

Iron Reign will be participating in our first competitive event of the year at the PvC scrimmage. One of the submissions we...

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Flywheel Assembly

Flywheel Assembly By Jose

Task: Assemble the flywheel with the readily manufacured parts

Following the milling of the aluminum plates and the 3-D printing of the core of...

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Ring Launcher CAD Meets 1+2

Ring Launcher CAD Meets 1+2 By Jose

Task: Begin designing a ring launcher

The initial vision for the ring laucher was to be a semi-circle in order to give the ring as much acceleration as possible. In this meeting,...

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Ladder Intake Build

Ladder Intake Build By Jose and Bhanaviya

Task: Physically build the ladder intake, based on the design in CAD

For the intake system of this year's challenge we first brainstormed several ways which a ring could be collected and...

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Proteus' model

Proteus' model By Bhanaviya and Jose

Task: Update the model to plan Proteus' build

With our first qualifier being less than 2 months away, Iron Reign embarked on an ambitious project to create a...

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NinjaFlex Belt intake system

NinjaFlex Belt intake system By Trey

Task: Design an intake with the NinjaFlex belt

So far we have made a few Intake assemblies including the belt intake and the Tetrix tread intake. However, as is Iron Reign tradition, we...

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Caterpillar Track Intake

Caterpillar Track Intake By Ben, Bhanaviya, Trey, and Jose

Task: Build and prototype an intake system

One of the first intake systems we made was...

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FTC Legal Belt Sander

FTC Legal Belt Sander By Paul

Task: Create a prototype for a belt sander intake system

The so-called “FTC Legal” belt sander was an early iteration of the intake mechanism for this year's robot....

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Modelling an Equation for Forward Speeds of a Ring

Modelling an Equation for Forward Speeds of a Ring By Bhanaviya and Ben

Task: Model a projectile motion equation to approximate forward speeds of rings launched from a ring launcher

A key challenge in this year's...

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Auto Path Plan

Auto Path Plan By Cooper

Task: Layout a plan for auto paths this season

To begin, as you can see up above (a diagram that was generated on ) our first auto path takes very little...

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Ladder Intake CAD

Ladder Intake CAD By Jose

Task: Design a mechanism to trasfer rings from the ground to a future ring launcher

The initial vision for this intake design was inspired by FRC team 1983’s Ultimate Ascent robot. The “ladder” pivots...

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Recruitment Update

Recruitment Update By Bhanaviya

Task: Plan for sustainability goals

Owing to the ongoing pandemic, our recruitment goals are not similar to that of previous seasons. One of our bigger concerns is that it will be harder to teach...

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Dealey Presentation

Dealey Presentation By Ben, Mahesh, Jose, Anisha, Shawn, Bhanaviya, Paul, Cooper, and Trey

Task: Give a presentation to rookie teams at Dealey International School

Today we gave a presentation to rookie FTC teams about FIRST and our team over...

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Dealey Presentation Preparation

Dealey Presentation Preparation By Ben, Mahesh, Jose, Anisha, Shawn, Bhanaviya, Paul, Cooper, and Trey

Task: Prepare for our presentation to Dealey International School

On Saturday October 10 we received an email from the robotics coach at Dealey International School. Dealey...

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Custom Flywheel CAD

Custom Flywheel CAD By Jose

Task: CAD a custom flywheel

Instead of using a grip wheel to launch rings we went with the approach to make a custom flywheel. The key concept of a flywheel is to maximize rotational...

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Code Planning For The New Season

Code Planning For The New Season By Mahesh

Task: Plan changes to our codebase for the new season.

This year's game saw a significant boost to the importance of the control award, now being put above even the motivate and design awards in order of advancement. Therefore, it is crucial to analyze...

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The First Launcher

The First Launcher By Trey and Paul

Task: Create and Test a Arm Disk Launcher

One of the centerpieces of any robot this year is going to be the disk launcher. It’s likely that most robots in the competition...

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Archimedes Screw Intake

Archimedes Screw Intake By Bhanaviya, Jose, and Shawn

Task: Begin creating intake systems on CAD to test their potential

The Archimedes Screw Intake, as the name goes, was based on an Archimedes screw. A screw...

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Simple Roller Intake

Simple Roller Intake By Jose

Task: CAD a simple roller intake design

This intake design is the most plain of them all, just compliant wheels on a shaft. The idea with this is to have it low to the...

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Robot in 2 Days - But in CAD

Robot in 2 Days - But in CAD By Jose

Task: CAD a robot for the Ultimate Goal Challenge quickly in order to get ideas for a final robot design and prototypes

A new season, a new design challenge,...

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Printing Rings

Printing Rings By Trey

Task: Print some game elements to get a kick start on the season

Recently, this year’s competition details were released, and while we couldn’t quite get started on a robot immediately like we...

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FTC 2020-2021 Game Reveal

FTC 2020-2021 Game Reveal By Ben B, Jose, Anisha, Shawn, Bhanaviya, Justin, Mahesh, and Trey

Task: Watch the FTC Challenge Reveal event live

Game Reveal:


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Connecting with Motus Labs

Connecting with Motus Labs September 08, 2020 By Bhanaviya

Reaching out to Motus Labs September 08, 2020

Task: Reach out to potential sponsors in light of the 2020-2021 season

Earlier in the summer, we learnt of an...

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Co-Hosting the Caravan CAD Challenge

Co-Hosting the Caravan CAD Challenge By Jose

Task: Help design a CAD Challenge game, make a reveal video for the game, judge submissions, and give feedback

Over the summer, we collaborated with FTC teams 3658 and...

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Summer Summary

Summer Summary July 11, 2020 By Bhanaviya, Jose, Anisha, Paul, Shawn, Trey, Justin, Aaron, Ben, Mahesh, and Cooper

Talking Heads: Summary July 11, 2020

Task: Prepare for the 2020-2021 Game Reveal season

Today kicked off our first...

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Narrowing Down the Configuration of the New Vehicle

Narrowing Down the Configuration of the New Vehicle By Bhanaviya

Introducing MXP 2: Electric Boogaloo

As we have explained in earlier posts, Iron Reign is currently involved in the process of creating a new version of...

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